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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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227 results found

  1. Have the scale changes show in percentage of change per week

    Have the scale changes show the percentage of change per week, then have a projected timeline to hit their end goal based on the current rate of loss.

    Currently using a google sheet document to do this. Would be great to have it all in one place.

    A good example of this done well on an app is happy scale.

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  2. Overall cm loss

    Weekly measurement/cm loss or gains scores
    Like the weight on the phone app

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  3. Allow clients to see their own personal records

    Making the trainer go to the progress report for each client and figure out %'s to weights for eavery exercise is seriously adding extra work.

    What if we could just use a % in the workout description and the clients had an easy way to see their 100% to 50% weight breakdown for that exercies at the click of a button??? Most other training apps have this feature please add it sooner rather than later.

    If you need a refrence fo create a SugarWOD account and see how they've done it.

    It also makes it a lot more rewarding for…

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  4. Client need to be able to see lifts performed on last session with same exercise.

    Is it possible to create way in the app where client can see within workout what was weights was performed on last session. Ideally that need to seen next to or in the window where client type his lifts. This is basic but very important fiture, must have. For progress overload managing. At the moment its requires too many steps to see last sessions data. Client have to make screenshots to compare. Its all now too complicated and requires too many steps to go back. Its brilliant app, that only few thins added/ modified slightly for very best user experience.…

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  5. Is there a way to have the app track the exercises that they have done that week, month, last 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and year?

    Exercises need to have a chart. So I don’t have to go to each workout in every profile to look at each exercise. I need a chart that shows every exercise they have done, dates it was done and the times it was done with reps, sets and weight. This helps me as the trainer know easily their progression. How to cycle their next periodization plan. If we are meeting their goals in strength training.

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  6. Game changer: Integrated camera button next to the exercise

    Desired Features:

    Integrated camera button next to the exercise:
    Each exercise would have an icon (for example, a small camera or a “Record” button). By clicking it, the client could record the video without leaving the app.

    Minimum video duration:
    To ensure the recording is complete and useful for evaluation, each video would have a minimum duration of 90 seconds, with the option to extend it.

    Direct upload with exercise name attached:
    Once recorded, the video would automatically be linked to the corresponding exercise and saved in the session history.

    Automatic report at the end of the workout:
    Once the…

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  7. when you delete past habits, it still shows up under the "progress by habits" tab. It should delete from there as well.

    I noticed when i was looking at my clients progress, I checked out the progress by habits tab and it had all there past habits loaded in there as well. I went to the past habits tab and deleted them all, but they still show up under the Progress by Habits tab.

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  8. Automate Client Check-In’s

    I think it would be great to have a form that generates from Trainerize for client check-in’s.

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  9. Interface

    Improve interface and modernise the look like HEVY have done. And maybe also show total load lifted at the end of the workout and compare to the previous sessions load so clients can see progressive overload from clear numerical data.

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  10. Bodily Measurement Progress beyond 3 Years!

    On bodily measurements I would like to be able to compare a client from OVER 3 years ago. The graph only shows max 3 years.

    I have clients that stay with me beyond 3 years and now where is their old data located?

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  11. Add in-body follow-up feature <3

    To add a catogary that has all inbody info in progress, both coatch and client can edit
    (Body fat mass and %, body muscel mass, water retention..)
    and ibody test can be scanned there as well

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  12. Managing client progress each week

    Hey there!
    I have just began with your app and I have a request or feedback.
    Is there a way to see the previous weeks data, side by side with the current week. This way I can see what weight the client was lifting the previous week and we can aim to increase for the current week. I’ve done this on excel and it works like a charm. Motivated client to push harder than last week. This would need to be made so that it’s on the same page as the current active workout.

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  13. Rewards Program for Appointments/Classes attended, workouts/habits completed, nutrition compliance etc.

    Incentivizing clients with a rewards program would be very helpful to help appointment/class attendance, exercise/habit/nutrition compliance.

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  14. Reviewing a workout through a date range when the workout is repeated more than once

    It would be great to be able to review a client's w/o when repeated more than once to see how the client has progressed over the weeks they have been repeating the workout. Eg Weights and reps.
    A client is set a w/o to do once a week ver four weeks.

    If I want to review their progress after the four week period, I’d like to go to “Progress by workout”, select the w/o and the date range from beginning to end of the four weeks.

    I want to be able to then view the four weeks of the…

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    The Nutrition graphs for previous months do not reflect the Macros choices from that time frame. This is CRITICALLY important for recording data of clients. If I change a clients current Macros it changes ALL data across the board from all time frames. How can I accurately go through data with a client and understand what they did and how they did it if the data is not represented properly or reflective of the Macros they had set at a certain period of time? Legally as well, this puts the coach in a very compromised position if I needed that…

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  16. AVERAGES - automatically calculate averages for all progress pages (weight, calories, steps, protein etc)

    The app collects lots of data (which is awesome) but it's no good to us without interpretation (AVERAGES).
    Averages for weight, calories, sleep, protein etc will allow us and the client to QUICKLY see how things are. Manually calculating this for every clients is unbelievably time consuming and shouldn't even be necessary

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  17. Filter Persistence Issue in Exercise Progress Section

    Hi Trainerize Team!!

    I’ve noticed an issue with the filter in the Progress Exercises section. When I select a filter option other than "Estimated 1 Rep Max" and then switch to a different exercise, the filter automatically resets to "Estimated 1 Rep Max."

    Could you please make it so that the filter setting remains consistent across exercises until it is manually changed by the user?

    Thank you for giving us the space to make suggestions and for considering this as an option!

    All the best,

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  18. Can we please have a way of getting all of a clients weights into a spreadsheet document?

    Hi, can we please have a way of downloading a clients weights with the date of each weigh-in in the form of a spreadsheet? The graphs that are generated by the app never start at zero so I have been manually copying some clients weights and dates into a spread sheet to create a line graph that starts at 0 and goes up by 10kg increments to get a better look at their weightloss over time. As you can imagine this is a VERY timely process so it would be nice if we could access this data in spreadsheet format.…

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  19. Compare workout progress over longer ranged than 90 days

    When my clients repeat a workout they first did months ago, I can’t see the side by side progress if it occurred further than 90 days ago. It literally won’t let me adjust the dates to be longer. There’s like an actual limit on how far back trainerize thinks I should care about workout progress. What’s up with that dude?

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  20. Weekly loss/gain Measurement totals without having to add each individual measurement up for each client each week.

    Weekly loss/gain Measurement totals without having to add each individual measurement up for each client each week.

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