Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
227 results found
help article spelling out what each of the badges and achievements are.
Would like a help article spelling out what each of the badges and achievements are.
2 votes -
Ability for clients to see monthly report on the mobile app
ability for clients to see their progress at the end of the month with their fitness, nutrition, and habit stats.
17 votes -
Field to add blood pressure & resting HR for assessment tools
Adding Blood pressure & resting HR to Body stat/or other title. Allowing us to enter Blood Pressure and RHR at time of reassessment.
3 votes -
Ability for clients to rate a trainer
Ability for clients to periodically rate their trainer so the manager can see.
3 votes -
Reconfiguration of the time span window within the app/online
Currently when reviewing a client's stats in the app, some of the time span options are 3M, 6M, 1Y, 2Y and 3Y. When looking online, some options include 1M with the 3M, 6M, 1Y, 2Y and 3Y.
It would be great if the time span window could be adjusted to reflect a time span window of 2 Weeks and 1M within the app along with a 2 Weeks option for the online perspective across all incoming data points. The greater time span options could be limited to the online perspective only.
Another possible option would be to have the…
1 vote -
Graphing for strength progression, by individual exercise.
Graphing for strength progression by individual exercise.
This is helpful for clients who have specific strength goals, like powerlifters.4 votes -
Glute measurements in biometrics
Please add a Glute measurement option
20 votes -
Export customer questionnaire and account details
Ability to export the information contained in a customer's questionnaire form and personal details such as; weight, age, sex, location, activity level and height.
2 votes -
Graphic / Chart of the week load progression
A graphic showing the volume / intensity of the load of each training per week. This will allow us to analyze if it’s possible to add up, or maintain or de-load on the following week of the program.
1 vote -
Add manual Pulse-Ox data entry and tracking as a dash tile
With COVID now an ongoing, and long-term "thing", one of the things we are doing now with clients (and ourselves) is measuring and tracking oxygen saturation using Pulse oximetry, or pulse ox. Doctors are using this on patients as diagnostic tools both at home and in hospitals. My brother and mother have each had COVID and this was a leading indicator to get help, as well as a prescribed at-home, follow-on testing they were told to do daily when they were released (on O2 and still recovering). This is both an instant and trending measure to help assess one's health;…
1 vote -
1 vote
Multiple Graphs to examine any trend over time (RPE + Performance or Sleep + RPE etc)
In the progress area of the Trainer's software there could be an option for multiple graphs. There would be the option for toggling information from multiple categories (Nutrition, Exercises, Sleep etc.). That would be extremely useful for trainers to see how certain variables such as sleep affect general parameters such as rpe of workout or specific parameters such as the performance of a given exercise.
16 votes -
Total Volume for each major muscle within a program
When the word "volume" is used in sport science research, it is referring to the number of total hard working sets per week (a hard working set is a set taken with 5 reps from failure). Yes this means that "high volume" means a lot of working sets, not a lot of reps.
In order to track and progress volume, it would be good to see the number of sets sets programmed on a per muscle group basis. At the moment, the only way to do this is to manually count sets.
15 votes -
Add app open or sign in analytics
Ability to see number of sign ins per day, or average sign ins per week.
3 votes -
monthly summary on macros, workouts
Would be awesome if there was a monthly report including averages for how many workouts completed per week, macros, fiber, sodium, and sugar intake
5 votes -
Improved data reporting capabilities
Ability to export and manipulate detailed reports of clients. For example, client details including compliance rates, days until end of program, product they've purchased, payment schedule, start date etc etc
1 vote -
progress photo report for an entire group
Ability to view multiple clients' progress photos in a report. This is great for challenges.
4 votes -
Show total weight loss or cm/inches lost by entire group or challenge
We have monthly weighins with clients and it would be great to see the total KGS or the total CM"s lost in that month as a collective.
2 votes -
To be able to reflect on everything a client has done over 7 days
To get a 7 day report on their habits/nutrition averages/training outputs /bodyweight readings as a report (or even just to be able to do it)
This will help give weekly feedback in videos / calls for example
Similar to what you can see monthly but to be able to do it weekly would be very powerful
5 votes -
Fix the order of exercises in Review by Workout.
The order of exercises displayed on the report is completely random.
We put exercises in order for a reason and it would be really nice to see the report displaying the exercises in that same order.
If we add progression to Exercise A, I want to see how it affects Exercise B. Right now, everything's scattered so it's hard to decode what is affecting what.
14 votes
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