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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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227 results found

  1. Automated calorie counting messages

    Automated calorie counting messages - Send out daily messages to clients to meet their calorie intakes and macro percentages, reward them for meeting their goals / give them constructive criticism on how to meet their goals for the next day

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  2. See clients specific personal bests set on each workout.

    We are notified of client personal bests, but we do not see the specifics of the personal best when training remotely. It would be nice if the trainer can see the workout completion screen that the client sees showing the details on which exercises had new personal bests set. This would allow the trainer to more accurately provide feedback on workouts completed.

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  3. Body measurements added to progress page

    Body weight and photos are easily accessible on the Progress Page. Measurements are just as important as a metric to see progress. I think it should have a box in the My Progress schematic.

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  4. Post Workout Questionnaire

    I would like the ability to create custom questionnaires that follow a workout. Along with this should come the ability to run a report filtered by client and the type of questionnaire, as well as the type of report generated. Ex: line graphs, tables, bar graphs...

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  5. Monthly or weekly progress document for each individual client?

    Imagine compiling a client's data (sleep, steps, nutrition compliance, etc) generating a beautiful PDF with all the graphs etc with the click of a button.. interpreting their results and their improvements/downfalls from the previous week/month.

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  6. Allow the coach download a data set from several members in one go to one file.

    Every week I have to click into member profiles individually to get weigh in data, nutrition data etc. If I could select the clients and the data set I wanted to download it would save massive time and would be nice to see it all in one file!

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  7. Ability to Mass Export Workout/Exercise Progress and/or Have a Progress Section Comparing Client Progress for Programs/Exercises

    It would be great to be able to chart and see multiple client progress for workouts/exercises all in one place.

    This could be built into the Progress section, into a master program, or allow mass exporting of workout/exercise/program progress for multiple clients at once.

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  8. bioelectrical impedance

    Create in the progress menu, something to register client's Bioelectrical impedance analysis values. General and by segments. it is common in person coaching to have such an assessment and there is no place to record these values. this way the client can track his progress too

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  9. Show previous measurements

    Would like previous measurements and caliper pinches to be shown on app when entering new data. This ensures pinch and tape accuracy

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  10. Field to add blood pressure & resting HR for assessment tools

    Adding Blood pressure & resting HR to Body stat/or other title. Allowing us to enter Blood Pressure and RHR at time of reassessment.

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  11. Ability for clients to rate a trainer

    Ability for clients to periodically rate their trainer so the manager can see.

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  12. Add app open or sign in analytics

    Ability to see number of sign ins per day, or average sign ins per week.

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  13. More control/customization over progress date-range.

    In the short term, we're limited to the current month(calendar month, not 30 days) and 3 months.

    That means that if it's Nov 5th, we can either pull up those 5 days only, or we have to pull up the next shortest filter, which is 3 months.

    If we have only had a client for a month, it's challenging to show progressions when the data is either so small(current month), or when there's so much empty space(3mo).

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  14. Have the ability to use exercise library videos for blogs

    The ability to use Trainerize videos in the blogs would help greatly.

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  15. 3 votes

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  16. Stats On Measurement Screen

    Provide: Age & Height when you enter body stats. This would help me when completing BF% using bioimpedance.

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  17. 3 votes

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  18. 3 votes

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  19. side-by-side photos

    How are side-by-side comparison photos not a feature enabled on desktop yet? Come on guys? This is such a low-hanging fruit. The fact I have to go to my mobile to screenshot and then upload to a separate powerpoint to show my clients their progress...this alone has driven me to explore other platforms. This has been requested for years and instead the focus has been on other random small low-benefit items for trainers.

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  20. Ability to create custom fitness assessment reports

    Ideal to be able to see specific exercise progressions in a single report to be able to show that client for example - body composition and 3RM Bench, 3RM Deadlift, 3 RM Squat, Pushups, Pull-ups etc. all in one dashboard

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