Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
94 results found
Ability to pick a music track when uploading a video workout
Have a list of free music tracks I can pick from when uploading a video workout.
11 votes -
8 votes
6 votes
During a video call, have a timer
Ability to have an on-screen timer
12 votes -
record video calls
Sometimes for liability reasons, it might be good to be able to record the calls.
76 votes -
Include chat in the video call sessions
Include a chat box so I can write directly to my clients while on on a video personal training session, instead of closing the video to write to them or use another form of chat.
16 votes -
25 votes
9 votes
30 votes
Ability to extend a video call
I have a video call that is going on for 15 minutes but we're going to run over. I would like the ability to extend the call.
15 votes -
Zoom/live streaming with real-time heart rate tracking on screen for trainer to see.
Zoom/live streaming with real-time heart rate tracking on screen for trainer to see.
34 votes -
Ability to do live video inside the groups (like FB or Instagram live)
I used to put a lot of my challenge groups in Facebook groups to aid in discussions. I liked being able to do a weekly live discussion topic. Would love to be able to do that inside the groups feature.
1,013 votes -
Ability to cast to Samsung TVs
Clients should be able to cast their workouts to larger screens like their smart TVs. It'll make their workout more immersive.
20 votes -
2 votes
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