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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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182 results found

  1. Challenges need to be updated to a practical and simpler use.The set up is really restrictive

    Challenges could be so much better by making it simpler and broader, Simple step challenges, 1 Rep max Challenges, Rowing Challenge for distance or time alll would be better than how it is now. Currently you trapped with either completing any cardio or any workout to gain points why not just simply track steps or weight loss and even weights your lifting to gain improvement statistics?

    Its a great start and my client do like a challenge but its super restrictive for the stuff other apps have, Like Everfit and even the knew AI Coach app

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  2. Challenge Calendar

    I wan to be able to have a live calendar where i can assign group workouts, weigh in's, message board, live chat and live video feature. Would like to be able to go live, add videos and have a live chat.

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  3. Level Up Challenges

    When a new client signs up to a set program, we can introduce them to challenges on a "level up" basis. At level 1 it could be to complete simple nutrition tasks such as eat more protein, complete 2 workouts per week, be able to run 2km etc. Once they complete level one, they could then go onto level 2 "difficulty" and so on. I think it would be a great lead magnet and easy wins for new clients signing up to a program. Also it could be set for when someone signs up rather than a set date challenge…

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  4. Step challenges on new challenge feature

    For instance if a client hits over 10k they get awarded points

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  5. For the challenges

    On the challenges, nutrition goal points should be awarded if client is in the yellow. Also, need to be able to see where each client is each client is earning points.

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  6. please add a reply button in a community chat under comments rather than @ them down below (like Instagram or Facebook)

    In a community chat I would love to see a reply button directly under that comment rather than having to @ everyone down below. This would help keep comments and reply’s together just like how Instagram or Facebook does it.

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  7. Indpendent challanges for clients

    I see you have a Beta Challenge section this is great however, it is mainly aimed towards a collective, It would be great to great this for individual clients so we can reward them when they achive a challenge set.

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  8. Battlepass/ leaderboards system

    The app should add an element of gamification. By making the app more fun to engage with on the client side we could have better retention overall.

    A Leader board system with an opt-in / out function on the client side (within the groups) would be the optimal way to implement this feature. Then each client can activate / share their numbers and metrics with the groups they choose. If they don't opt into it they don't have to see others scores. This would allow the competitive clients to push themselves and eachother while not forcing the program onto those…

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  9. AI generated posts sending inappropriate messages

    Some of the automatic posts are inappropriate and not listed as a feature I can turn off. For example an AI generated post sent messages to my patients saying since you didn't respond, I guess we aren't a good fit! As if I am firing my patient! This needs to be fixed immediately. There is no way to turn off this feature under events. IT has already checked into it.

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  10. limit @everyone in groups

    Allow trainers to choose who can tag @everyone in groups. If one person abuses it it can ruin the user experience for everyone in the group when they are constantly getting notified.

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  11. More text space for postings in groups

    These days we can only write very short group messages in group's...

    But if you need to explain something you need more text space in your message...

    Please give us the opportunity to write 1000 characters or more for one posting.

    Maybe a Go Live session like on Facebook will also a great feature

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  12. Group channels and sorting

    Being able to post videos and how to and instructional follow alongs in group GROUPS.

    I’m using my group to allow them to ask questions about exercises or concepts. To make it more efficient for me to answe them, it would be awesome if we could have it like FB has it where we create channels. Channels like “start here” and “exercise instructions” and “FAQ” and more. So we candirect group memebers to these areas for answering questions.

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  13. Remove name of photo files when sending messages in groups

    When sending an image I find it unnecessary to have the file name showing. Mainly as the file name of for my own reference

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  14. Static side bar in groups

    Anything you can do to build in the features of social networking apps that people love (and are addicted to) will help us to grow our businesses.

    A static side bar in groups where trainers can post links, videos, and other commonly-used resources would be very helpful in the path toward a true social network.

    Social sharing options from the app would be great too!

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  15. 2 votes

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  16. Upgrade the group chat feature

    The group chat feature is old. The group chat emojis are a bit childish for an adult platform. And the fact that it is only one thread in the group makes it difficult to respond directly to people.
    Could this be upgraded both to modernise it and to also make the group chat function easier to use.

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  17. Adding a specific filter to the challenges. Clients will only get points on specific challenges not with every workout

    Fare challenge race if clients have different workouts plan but want to compete on a group challenge

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  18. No instant messages on the challenges for motivation.

    The challenges should have a way for the trainer to put motivational messages to keep everyone involved in the challenge.

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  19. Make the challenge portion more customizable and easier to use. I want to be able to link a certain workout to a challenge.

    I want to be able to link a certain workout to a challenge. As well as create a habit for the whole group vs having to set up the same habit for each individual.

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  20. Allow basic clients to participate in a challenge at least once before becoming full time.

    Allow basic clients to be able to do a challenge at least once before becoming coaching clients. I got 200 people willing to do a challenge but they are not all paying coaching. If they could get a trial version of what it's like to be coached online it would increase the chances of getting them on board. Features could be limited since it's free like one single program for everybody, less customization etc.

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