Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
181 results found
Reply to messages in Group chats
It would be super useful if you could reply to messages in the group chats kind of like you would on a thread. Where you can click on the message then comment on it and make a thread and then instead of growing the group chat it only grows that thread
10 votes -
Polls are a great interactive place that helps gather information quickly! I think adding a poll option in the groups where we can ask things like
EX: We are ready to expand our coaching session hours, what would you be interested in?
- 5 AM
- 6 AM
- 7 PM
- 8 PMPolls is a quick way to collect information for a large group of people without having to send message to each member of the gym.
10 votes -
Mass convert group master program to custom programs for those in the group
Hey, just a quick idea I had pop in my mind - the ability to mass convert everyone in a group with a master program to a custom program.
Use case - if you have a group with a bunch of people who have cultivated community, and they were all on the same master program, you wouldn't want them to lose that sense of community by joining a different group if you needed to change some of the people to a different program, switch training plan dates, or have new members come into the group with their own start date…
9 votes -
Add a steps challenge leaderboard for clients
Add a steps challenge for clients - like the fitbit work week hustle leaderboards.
8 votes -
Ability to Edit points for Challenges: Leader Board
Admin, have the ability to edit the points the system give for cardio and workouts. Sometimes the client is given points for just turning on app and turning it off. It would be great if we can have additional filters, example the workout has to be 30 minutes or more, the workout is only for in person or home. More filters to help make the challenge accurate and fair. I was hoping to use the challenge to help increase class participation and not to include home workouts.
8 votes -
Challenge end dates
We would like to set up a month long challenge. It seems we have the option to choose the start date, but can only choose a number of weeks for the challenge to run. The option to select a specific end date and/or select a number of days for the challenge to run needs to be added!
8 votes -
Group cumulative challenge type
I would love a challenge type that would allow members to work towards a group cumulative goal like a certain number of km's walked and everyone's kms count toward the goal. ie - as a group we are going to get around the world by xyz date
7 votes -
Support for Challenges
It would be great if there were different metrics used to provide for challenges. The challenges are a nice addition, however if I want to run a challenge for '21 days', or for instance a '6 week' challenge, that cannot be done at the moment due to the fact that it only allows for months currently.
7 votes -
Edit points assigned in case of mistakes
A client logged the wrong weight and got points for PBs. When she edited them and didn't get as many PBs the points count didn't change.
Would be good if it does or if the leader had the control of removing points if mistakes happen.7 votes -
Have a seperate photo section in groups like files section
It would be nice to have a photo grid within a photo section of groups, just as there is for PDF files. This way, clients can easily navigate back to photos shared in a group. Similar to whatsapp or facebook messenger.
7 votes -
Allow group members to direct message other members
Group Directory (of the specific group to which they are assigned) so clients can look up other members
7 votes -
Building Challenges
It would be great if there were different metrics used to provide for challenges. The challenges are a nice addition, however if I want to run a challenge for '21 days', or for instance a '6 week' challenge, that cannot be done at the moment due to the fact that it only allows for months currently.
6 votes -
Add the option to hide the Challenge Leaderboard or have challenges set for an individual
The challenges are great to set up for groups/collectives but right now if the challenge leaderboard is "mandatory" and visible to everyone, it might throw some people off.
Not everyone wants to have their progress with their own name shown to everyone else.
6 votes -
basic clients in groups
I believe it would be beneficial to allow basic clients access to groups. This allows them to still have community. Also a way to sell products and services. For example let's say they finish a challenge and aren't ready to maybe go to another product or service. Them still being engaged in the community group is a nice touch, they get to see others comments and achievements throughout the group and may give them incentive to purchase additonal services.
6 votes -
Hide the name of the habit in auto-posts in groups/challenges
Clients might not want others in the group or challenge to see what kind of habit they are performing. Instead of completely hiding all habit completed auto-posts, allow auto posts but hide the name of the habit as it's very individual thing per client.
6 votes -
Turn off auto-posting to groups for some clients
Rather than only being able to have auto-posts turned on or off, have the ability to turn it off for those who do not want that information being shared to the group, while leaving it on for others.
6 votes -
Storage area in groups for videos
Have a place in the group section where you can upload videos that are permanently and easly accessible. Similar to how you can upload files on the side.
6 votes -
make the program calendar viewable from group
I'd like to be able to view the program calendar IN the group. Right now, there is no easy way to know which day they are on
6 votes -
To allow clients to be able to see other clients in a group
I've had a few clients say they're struggling to feel the "community" within the groups on the app as they can't see what other clients are in the group. I guess everyone likes to be nosey so I can understand where they are coming from. I think it would be nice for clients to be able to see other clients in the group and be able to click on their photo (like whatsapp)
6 votes -
To be able to delete a file in the group.
I noticed that I shared a file multiple times. I would like to be able to delete files if need be...
6 votes
- Don't see your idea?