Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
194 results found
Being able to set and change a product start date per customer. Sell today, start on Monday.
Currently, there isn't a way to change the start day of a product per customer. Needs to be able to change the start day, or, if at last there will be a way to sell a product manually without sending a checkout link, to set the start date when you sell the product.
1 voteHi everyone,
Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app. You can add a manual sale and set the custom start date.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Trainerize Pay in Switzerland
Pay option available in Switzerland
5 votesHi everyone,
Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app. We recently released the ability for you to connect your Stripe account directly to Trainerize, so you can connect you Swiss Stripe account and take advantage of all the automations available.
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limit visibility to current phase
Limit client visibility to the current phase in their program only. At present, if you only let them see 1 week in advance they can still see and use what is coming up in the next phase if it has been scheduled.
2 votesHi everyone,
Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app. Clients can only see the current training phase, unless they are just starting or on a break, then they can look at the upcoming one to prepare to start.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Hide details of custom goals within group notifications.
I love the auto posts within the groups in terms of hitting a nutrition goal or completing a workout. Could we hide other custom goals or at least have the option within goals or habits to hide them from being notified to a group? Sometimes those goals may be more personal such as "appointment with endocrinologist" or something that the client may not want a whole group notified about one completed.
1 voteThis can currently be done. Simply turn off the auto-post setting for goals within the group.
Right now you cannot turn on/off for just custom goals.
Calendar settings for ALL clients
Ability to auto set calendar settings such as checkin days, auto-messages. I have my clients checkin on the same days and it would be easier to add calendar items to ALL clients as opposed to updating each and every clients' calendar.
1 voteHi everyone,
Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.
You can add them to a master program and subscribe everyone to the same program.
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In a measurement section I would love to have Bellybutton option. This is the area where most of the people have problems with.
2 votesHi everyone,
Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app. This is the waist measurement over the belly button.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Send daily push notification for habits
Send daily push notifications for habits (and workouts) so clients do not have to open the app to know something is scheduled.
2 votesHi everyone,
Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app. The app already sends morning reminders for the habits of the day.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Separate Tab in Client Profile for Trainer Notes
A separate tab for Client Notes + being able to add photos specifically to notes (I'd like to be able to copy and paste an email email in here so I'm not digging through my emails to see what I last sent a client)
3 votesHi everyone,
Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.
You can copy and paste emails into the notes space.
You can attach photos to the files section and we have no plans to be able to attach them to the notes.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Add a Blog spot/page to the app
Allow for an additional tab on the dashboard for a blog spot. Adding blog posts add value to online personal training, especially when the clients do not have to go to another site to obtain new articles from their trainer.
5 votesHi everyone,
Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app with our recent dashboard shortcuts and more section links feature.
Please see:
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Feature that allows client cancel subscription within the app.
It is unacceptable that a client cannot cancel their own subscription.
Would you sign up to a subscription that you cannot cancel yourself and must rely on the trainer to do so?
There needs to be an option for clients to cancel their subscription within the app.
Needing to message a trainer and wait to hear back from them before being able to cancel a subscription is a terrible policy.
3 votesWe recently added this feature. When creating a product, simply turn on the self-cancel option.
Cancel payment -> Deactivate client.
When a payment plan is cancelled in stripe on a specific date, deactivate that client in trainerize!! We do a month to month program and we have to add a note on a calendar to deactivate a client on a certain day and do it manually.
8 votesHi everyone,
Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.
You just need to turn on automatic membership controls.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Show the client the weight and reps they used the last time they did an exercise
Show the client the weight and reps they used the last time they did an exercise: this will make progressive overload easier for them!!
7 votes -
Leave the option - Laptop version for clients
Many of my clients is a bit angry bacause your new update which comes on the 31 st of marc.
Roughly 20-25% of my clients use Laptop version when they do my programs. (because the visible of the screen - BIGGER)Just to see...
Right now I have 175 clients. If I lose 15% of it that means 26 clients will leave me because they can not enjoy only the small mobile screen.
For me it means a lot. Not sure but can be an option!I do not want this new update at all!
32 votesClient access will always be mobile first.
Some features will be on web and mobile.
For more info, you can review this list:
Installment Payment Plan
Allow us to create and control flexible payment installments to give our clients the option to a payment arrangement to pay off services and products if they can’t afford the original price. One that the trainer can adjust the price depending how long the clients payment arrangement is set for
7 votesHi everyone,
Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app. You can create discount codes specific to the client to lower the price. Or create another product with a different payment cadence to suit that client and send them to the product to purchase.
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It would be great if our clients could see the macros that we've prescribed to them.
This could be shown in their dashboard titled as "Calorie & Macronutrient Goals"
63 votesHi everyone,
Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back
to to add your vote to other ideas.We are further building out our nutrition features this year so make sure you come back in to vote for nutrition ideas:!
Expand on nutrition goals...there are a lot of goals that dont involve calories or macro counting that are very useful
I don't like entering a goal of how many calories somebody will consume so don't force it. Expand it. I want to be able to assign a goal to stop eating this, limit that, eat more of this, etc.
2 votesThis can already be done by prescribing habits with the new habits feature in the platform.
Allow clients to upload video of their form
This should be a number one focus for any online trainer. I can't assess my clients progress without being able to see their form. Right now, using other apps for upload and it's too much of a hassle vs. having it within the app for convenience. This allows me to critique their form and give them proper feedback.
5 votesHi everyone, Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app by sending video messages.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
So it seems as if Trainerize sends out an invoice rather than just automatically debiting the money from the client's account.
If this is the case, then I will just cancel my that feature from my account and stick with Paypal. I don't want to have to worry if someone paid their bill or not.
5 votesHi everyone,
Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app. You send the client the invoice and the the client can put in their payment information (if not already there).
Future payments automatically come off the credit card.
If you meant paying with ACH, please vote here:
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
display the clients name whose training plan is ending on the overview page
display the clients name whose training plan is ending on the overview page
3 votesHi everyone,
Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.
They are auto-tagged as training phase is ending and they are displayed on your overview.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Trainers able to create work out templates on their profile and transfer them to their clients
As of now you have to go into each client and create templates. It would be easier to create templates under trainer profile and transfer to all your clients. Will save some time 💪🏾
1 voteYou can already do this by creating the templates in your master workouts then adding them to your clients.
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