Add a daily reminder to the calendar, or schedule daily habits
The ability to set up simple habits for clients to follow and track adherence to i.e. Yes/No to Getting protein at a meal time.
Apps like Habit Bull on Android or websites like Coachific are great examples of these.

Hi all,
The habits feature is currently in open beta. You can turn it on by going to Add-ons > Integrations and scroll down to the bottom section “Beta Labs”.
You can turn on the habit module from there.
Habits v1 will go live in Q1. v1 focuses on prescribing custom habits to individual clients.
Your vote has been returned to you. Feel free to suggest new ideas for the habits module back on the
Keith Alpichi commented
Say I wanted a client to perform a healthy behavior at a specific time (i.e., eating this at this time or drinking this amount of water by this time). A reminder can be sent to the client before or after it should be performed.
These habits can be tracked just like workouts, exercises, body stats, etc.
A client can see their progress on healthy behaviors other than just exercise and body stats.
Chris Forrest commented
Add in the ability to assign habits to clients.
EG. Tracking food.
planning meals.
Go for a walk.
Things outside the actually training programs.
Lifestyle habits