Adjust the app to support dynamic type so that text can be made larger, darker or bolder for clients
I have some clients that have trouble reading programs. A switch to support 'dynamic type' gives clients the ability to set font to their preferred size.

Hi all,
Thanks for voting for this feature.
We have started work on making the key sections of the app respond to the phone OS’s font settings.
Excited to share this with everyone when it’s ready.
Please come back to vote and add new ideas at Thanks!
Julie Grissett commented
Make the words larger on the workouts
Motiv8d Trainer commented
The text in the meal tracking fields is WAY TOO LIGHT to view. the light blue/gray is indistinguishable and has important meal tracking instructions for the less tech savvy clients or visually impaired. i.e. over the age of 50
PLEASE IMPROVE this quickly as possible. -
Philip Levi commented
for older clients with bad eyesight I have had people not use the platform simply because they cant read the program.
Anonymous commented
Darker Font for us all to read on the dash board, clients and trainers. I honestly cannot at the best of times read the font it is so faint even when I zoom my screen. It is something that cannot be that difficult for your IT team to adjust surely
Anonymous commented
Yes!! The Light black typing in the app especially on the phone is barely visible to bad eyes, some of the icons light typing is even harder to see!
Anonymous commented
Could you please make all your text on trainerize darker it is so difficult to read at the best of times, and I end up having to zoom the screen 100%+
Matthew Faherty commented
I works be cool with this if it's for android as well. Android has more market share than apple
MELD Fitness + Wellness commented
Adjust the app to support dynamic type so that text can be made larger for clients with impaired vision
MELD Fitness + Wellness commented
When selecting Accessibility Trainerize should format it’s messaging feature and program sections to increase font size for those with visual disabilities.
MELD Fitness + Wellness commented
My client is visually disabled and relies on the accessibility features of the iphone to make the font bigger for her phone. We need this update ASAP.
FITBOSS ERIC commented
I and my Clients have issue w/ text being so tiny. If Im not mistaken one of the feature stated in the app re-build was larger text fonts. Please increase the font or at least the boldness of the text. This applies to the app as a whole, but especially in Messaging. Thank you for any consideration.
Bryan Kennedy commented
Darken and enlarge fonts on mobile. More space between icons to close together always pressing multiple icons at same time.
Tommy Ryan commented
Allow user to enlarge app text. Some of us trainers wear readers 😉
Lindsay Nichole Siegel commented
My elder and hard of seeing clients are begging for a zoom in or larger text option!
get rid of small light grey font
Stephanie Westnedge commented
Yes, this is true. As a middle aged client, I struggle with the tiny grey text under an exercise name that details reps and weight and sometimes do the wrong number of reps or weight because presbyopia makes it really difficult to focus. The tiny grey text fails W3C accessibility guidelines for small text and at a minimum should be darker. Would be better if it was darker and bigger.
Randy Erickson commented
Client complained that the recommended reps and weights are too hard to see. Too light and too small. Darken or enlarge this font for better visibility.
Philip Levi Fitness commented
Option to create larger font on video descriptions. I have clients that are older and have trouble reading the smaller fonts on descriptions.
Kim Castelli commented
Please add a feature to allow clients to either enlarge text across the app, or zoom in on text. Several of my clients say they cannot read the descriptions or comments while at the gym because the font is too small. This is a major barrier for use of the app!
Anonymous commented
I really want to be able to use my app when I'm with my clients. The text is 20-30% too small - please help