need a nutrition section so i can set out meal plans!! this is HUGE and cannot stress how much this is required!!
Thanks everyone for your invaluable feedback. Keep them coming!
Jennifer Chapman commented
agree wtih tom however as trainers we can give suggestions....and most of us has had so many hours of training on nutrition... At least with my certification I can evaulate what someone has eaten and break that down into grams of carbs, proteins, fats and make recommendations on total % of daily intake on carbs, protein and fats along with total calories too based on the clients' goals... So after I make these recomendations I can suggest common sense foods (whole foods) that will be a healthier alternative.... Bottomline it is the resonsibility of the trainer to stay within the scope of his or her practice legally and for the best interest of the client... Some trainers may also be a ditecian
Tom McQuaid commented
This is something I would be cautious about. Personal Fitness trainers are not registered dietitians and in many states could be charged with practicing as a dietitian without a license. In general personal fitness trainers should give counsel on dietary supplements related to working out but not create meal plans without being in consultation with a dietitian. Remember everything you do through this site is memorialized with written/visual evidence.
Positive Fitness commented
Very true....Agree