Allow videos to be sent from camera roll as attachments in messenger.
Currently, videos cannot be sent from clients to me or vice versa. This would be a helpful feature so I don't have to toggle back to texting when a video needs to be sent.
For example, my client needed to send me a video of her home gym, but could not so texted to me.

Hi everyone,
Video messages has been completed and will be released soon with the Trainerize v6 app.
To try out the beta version right now, go to
Can’t wait to share the new app with everyone!
Trevor Chong
Product Director @ Trainerize
Anonymous commented
This NEEDS to happen ASAP. Sending personalized videos is a super valuable feature of online training and that fact that it has not been integrated yet is crazy. Get on it Trainerize!
Anonymous commented
This is incredibly frustrating. Still no update on when this is coming? It’s been over a year in “planned” with no communication to when it’s actually coming.
Jeremy Thom commented
Gee, this has been planned for a while? What is the latest update on this? Being able to send videos is a MUST!!
Jeremy Thom commented
I really hope you do this soon, this will be a game changer!!!
Evan Laird commented
Yes please!!!
Dennis Smythe commented
Just wanting to send a quick message regarding video time limits.
As I understand it the feature will only offer 30 second videos.
I monitor technique throughout the week and all videos are usually between 45-60 seconds.
I would still then need to use other messaging formats to have clients send videos so this completely defeats the purpose of waiting for the in-app video feature.
Even having one minute would suffice.
Thanks. -
Matt commented
This is an absolute must
Daniel Meany commented
Please incorporate the option to send a video when messaging clients!
Tyler Mayer commented
It would be great to add voice messaging to this as well as videos sent.
Hope Felix commented
Sending video message to encourage, make suggestions or share information.
Simon commented
ANY updates guys about this? It would be so important specially for trainers who has a lot of clients. Thanks.
Eric commented
This would be a great feature !
Kymbre commented
I'm planning to launch my online training but am a huge stickler for form, and will require clients to video certain exercises in each workout they do on their own. As of now I will have to use a different app, is there an estimated date for launching this feature? Thanks!
Trainer commented
Any updates on this? It simply says “Planned May 2018”
Lacresha Mckinney commented
Great idea! I completely agree this is Huge!! And a major key to being able to keep clients motivated
Mateusz Solecki commented
Is there any info on when this feature will be available?
Simon commented
This would be the biggest help for us :) Hope guys can make it soon...
Tim Hennigan commented
This feature would be an incredible improvement, especially with the “groups” feature in messaging.
I have started to make the messages more personal by making short videos with a message or update for the group, but can’t post them in the app.
Just yesterday I had a client with a form question. We chatted in the app, then she had to text me her video demonstrating her form. We finished our conversation via text. Now my on-line coaching feedback is in two different places.