Ability to have an email sequence for missed sessions.
If a client has been tagged for missed sessions adding them to an email sequence to reengage them in the entire program again will be of benefit

Strength-N-U commented
can you guys build a zapier automation that allows a zoom new recording to be automatically uploaded to a specific master program
would like to automatically add the zoom recording to our On Demand library for virtual class members to view whenever they miss a class. -
Manfred Bortenschlager commented
Any updates here? This would be extremely useful. Especially in countries where Trainerize Pay is not yet available.
Manfred Bortenschlager commented
I agree. It would be great to have more triggers in Zapier. One important trigger would be to fire when a client completed a training phase. Many things can happen at that point, like upselling, subscription extension, adding to another phase etc.
Stefan Zahnd commented
I would like to catch on and vote for this idea. I would like to suggest the following triggers:
- Client has finished a training program (not just a workout) --> I would like to have my clients finish a 12 week basis training program before they automatically move on to the intermediate training programs
- A new tag was assigned to a client --> This leads to another idea which is an automatic tag at the end of a training program