Allow more than 1 or multiple products per client
Please work on a feature that allows clients to be a part of more than one program/product at one time. This is a major limitation.

Hi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed!
Now you can sell add-ons on top of a core subscription. For more info:
If you need multiple products to drive multiple programs too, please add your vote here to stay subscribed to updates:
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Fit For Golf _ commented
Any update on this Trainerize?
Shayla Ryder commented
YES PLEASE!!! This seems like an easy feature to have. I have someone that purchased training and then added RMR testing. I need to be able to sell product as they happen vs canceling out product and reselling etc. Also nice if someone purchases a shirt or any solo item like that. Pretty please add this feature. :)
Anonymous commented
Kyle Anderson commented
Yes, this has been a frustrating problem for me as well. Hoping for a solution soon!
Stacie Barber commented
Yes, I encountered this problem today. Someone bought a program last week and they wanted to also buy another program but it wouldn't let both programs run at the same time so this new one won't start until the current program finishes, as well as payment for the new program won't begin until the end of the current program.