allow us to customize the trainer dash
allow the different portions of the dashboard to be customized by the trainer to suit their needs

Charlotte Orr commented
Be able to post business-wide announcements that can be seen on a client's dashboard. For example, a client of the week announcement.
Jill Borgerding commented
Not all clients are focused on the data seen on the Dash currently. I agree with Geoff that sometimes a daily reminder of a client’s weight can actually be detrimental to their progress! I really need to be able to modify the Dash for each client to be focused on their individual Goals. My Achievements is much more motivating to my clients to see! Please consider giving us the option to at least rearrange the sections if not select which ones are shown! Thanks
Anonymous commented
Dixie Sonnier commented
This is so basic and needs to be added! So much of that is not relevant to my postpartum clients. There needs to be custom metrics and a way to customize what the progress overview looks like from the dash and have the ability to customize it per client.
Geoff Starling commented
Great suggestion, Nathaniel. This is a very important detail to consider for future updates. Many (many) people are negatively triggered by references to their weight e.g. folks with disordered eating/body dysmorphia. It would be great if we could modify which metrics are displayed under the "Progress" section of the dash to avoid these instances.
Anysia Derora commented
All my current members are asking for the ability to change what they see on their dashboard.
Nate Peterson commented
Allow to customize the measured metrics on the clients mobile dash.
Example: Change 'Body Fat %' to 'BMI' OR 'Resting Heart Rate' to 'Waist'.
Heather FRIES commented
I would love to have the ability to setup my dashboard view with the items I want to see as well as change the overview items for viewing all clients. We all focus on different areas with our clients.