I would really like a quick "Like" function for client activity.
To be able to quickly acknowledge them without having to send a full message! Just like on FB or IG, to be able to simply "Like" that they checked in for cardio.
This can be on the overview screen.

Hi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed! You can now do it on the web app. The v6.9.16 iOS and Android apps are rolling out and you should see the same functionality over the new few days.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to ideas.trainerize.com to add your vote to other ideas.
Anonymous commented
Add reactions to the "recent activities" section in the overview and the client section.
Anonymous commented
Yes please! This would be so helpful.
Right now, you have to go into the comments, open the emoji keyboard and send a like or fire.
it should be like instagram stories where you can just quickly send an emoji like or fire or love.
Michael Naess commented
I would like to be able to 'like', add a reaction or comment on recent client activity. I feel like this would allow me to quickly add a personal touch to my clients and recognise their work all through my dashboard - recent activities tab.
Max Kristian commented
Definitely be great addition for accountability and extra value
Mary Everhart commented
YES YES YES - I would really be able to use this! I do see I can add them in Group after checkins and in response to an individual client message but these emojis / animations need to be much larger.
Carl Goldsmith commented
It will just add a little more accountability for the client seeing that you are watching what they are doing.
Beverly Figueroa commented
I would like the ability to encourage my clients by liking their completed activities.
Ashley Downes commented
I agree!!!
Anonymous commented
Like button to let clients know we are watching over their progress each time they finish a workout or have a good weigh in, etc.
Ryan "FitMan" Mac commented
I think it would be cool to be able to give clients kudos in the form of a like button or high five.
Daniel Schwartz commented
This is a great idea, and I was just coming on here to suggest it.
Gordon Hill commented
Quick and easy way to acknowledge that we've seen that a client has checked in or tracked it would be good if there was a 'Like' button or something similar. Just an easy way to let them know that we're supporting them and are aware of their efforts.
Dan The Real Fitness Coach commented
Add the ability to like or comment on a client's activity.
E.G today I see that Victoria "Tracked TRFC 28 Day Plan - Week 3 Day 4"
I'd love to be able to like that or, even better, a high five button! :)
Jessica commented
Add in a 'like' feature similar to facebook so that when people schedule their workouts or do a freestyle workout me as a trainer can like it - this way they know i'm checking up on them and can see what they doing :)
Tommy Ryan commented
Great suggestion!! Hope this gets done ASAP!
Gregg Cerenzio commented
Yes please!
Jim Bates commented
this is a cool one... instead we need to email each individually....
Anonymous commented
A simple button like a thumbs up so a trainer can let clients know that they have knowledges their clients session and read their notes if possible.