Create polls in groups
How about creating a poll in groups just like we do in Instagram and all the members can vote their opinion among the choices given. It would also be a great idea if can post the results on social media and attract more leads

Emily Macdonald commented
NEEDED! I have a group in Trainerize but have just had to create one within Whatsapp just to do a couple of polls.
COACH DAWN commented
this would be a great idea ... ore and more of my clients are coming off facebook and i want to kleep community alive but the ghroup chat is so limited , i often use polls so this would be very useful
Masha Challenge commented
Exactly what I came here for! Was going to suggest it to really help improve engagement in the groups! Not everyone is chatty, but everyone loves to do polls.
De Bolton commented
Yep, I think this would be a great add on to engage groups