Display targeted muscle group next to exercise
Show a body graph next to each exercise and highlight the area of the targeted muscle group.
John Padgett commented
This should be a basic feature. It's a must for clients to see visually what body parts are being used.
Ashley commented
this would be a great feature! I get asked this a lot.
Jack Ogilvie commented
Clients constantly ask me "what muscles am I using for this exercise", or "where should I feel it"
Can we have the ability to add to an exercise a diagram of the human body musculature, with the ability to highlight targeted muscle groups -
Coach commented
Include body diagram to show what muscle groups are being worked on for an exercise.
Jeremy Waller commented
Associated anatomy pictures highlighting prime movers, synergistic muscles and antagonist muscles used during the exercise
Chaim Loeb commented
Yes my clients would love this!
Juha Vennola commented
customers have asked for more detailed information on the target muscle in motion.
It would be great to have a character for guidance on each movement. The figure where the working muscle (or area) is displayed, for example, in red