Clients to make permanent exercise substitutions in their own program if needed
At the moment when a client is subscribed to a program, they can make a substitute in their program via the app, but the next time they do their workout it switches back to the original exercise.
It would be great to select an option to allow the client to make a permanent change, if allowed by the trainer to do so.
This makes it extremely hard if we are running groups with all clients on the same program, and 100 of them need a permanent substitution due to lack of equipment or injury.

Jennifer Crum commented
This is a must to save time for trainer and allow client to adjust program as needed.
Justin Sottilare commented
If a trainer has a large number of clients, allowing the client to make this edit saves the trainer a lot of time. When online trainers charge by the hour, saving time doing small tasks like that will allow us to put more time into more important tasks for a better overall experience.