A Live Calendar or way to offer a 'Daily Workout' to subscribed clients
One program I offer is for more advanced gym folk that just need the daily structure with a daily workout, habits, and loosely coached nutrition.
I currently post workouts each day to a calendar in my membership site. I would love to migrate these monthly subscribers over to the trainerize platform so I have ALL of my customers in one spot (more clients = more money for trainerize ;) )
The main features I would like to have would be an ongoing or "live" calendar, meaning no matter when they sign up they don't have to start at week 1... They get to jump right into that day's workout, into being part of my little fitness group/community.. I keep the previous 2 days workouts up incase they need to go back and catch up. And they don't see the next day's until the day of.
Love the habit tracking feature, that would be awesome to incorporate.
Would be nice to coach this program through the groups feature too, since the constant notifications can be motivating to others.
If I am missing something here and we can already do something like this, someone enlighten me please :)

This can already be done by putting everyone in a group and using the posting a WOD feature.