To be able to enter custom cardio types like classes
To have the ability to enter custom cardio types at our discretion. Examples: mountain biking, Hill repeats, Sprinting, and other sports not already listed on the drop-down list for cardio types.

Jamie Scott commented
In addition to this, at least have more cardio options open, e.g. modern gravity-based mountain biking is no more like cycling than roller skating is like skiing.
Chris Edwards commented
Allow for Custom Cardio Activity option to include less common training modalities for special populations and unique communities. I have a particular need for loaded-march and equestrian activities.
James Reyburn commented
Ability for me to create different types of cardio in the same way I am currently able to add new gym based exercises.
Let me create a new cardio "Swimming" from there then i can also select what parameters I would like my client to record. E.g. Distance, time, pace etc.