Link with NutraCheck
NutraCheck is more UK friendly and this is the the app the majority of my clients use, it would be good if they could link this to their account

Rebecca Scott commented
NutraCheck is so much easier to use then MFP and the meal tracker in app. The in app one is so clunky and drawn out!
Gill Patterson commented
Still requested, in October 2023.
Alex Fogacci commented
Yes, Nutracheck is by far the most user friendly in terms of meal tracking - photos help a lot and make the process so much better
Debbie Hartin commented
Yes this is much needed :)
Teri Crosby commented
Pretty Please
Lianne Baker commented
Yes please
Shani Jupiter commented
I agree. More and more clients require this now. Also I am part of a large coaching group and they are also saying this is required. I will get them to vote too :)