Notes for each exercise instead of one comment for the entire workout
room to put notes on each exercise rather than one comment for the whole session. These exercise notes could also show up when you referenced previous sessions. This could be very useful to clients because they could make note of useful mindset/cues on form, what may have happened on a particular set, bodily feedback, and other variables like exercise order that would affect progressive calculation.

Jonny Marx commented
Yes this would be very useful! I use a different app to track my own workouts that has this and I use the note section to state any modifications I did for the exercise that day, for example doing slow controlled reps with a squeeze at top, or hinging at hip more in split squat to hit glutes more
Zach Taylor commented
Yes, please! Sometimes my clients modify the exercise, feel pain during a bench press, have comments on intensity level specific to the exercise, etc.