Ability to group habits into sub-folders and tracking options
This idea is about allowing the grouping of new created habits in sub-folders.
The idea of "habits" based coaching stems from CBT therapies. Most CBT based approaches use GSPA (Goal-Skill-Practice-DailyActions) as a framework. You set a goal and help the client built the skills to reach it through building some practices and monitoring daily actions.
The goals are now somehow identified with intake questionnaires (though further refining of those in future would be great with some automated reporting).
However at the moment the custom habits let you just create folders and habits within them - developing and assigning daily actions is left as lose comments withing each habit tab. It would be much more useful if each habit would have a further level of hierarchy so can be broken down further (as an option maybe) daily actions. Each daily actions can have link to resources or images or text.
I'll make few examples below suggesting how the hierarchy would be broken down in Trainerize.
Domain/Skill/Habit (Practice)/
Nutrition/Eat enough nutrients/Eat Enough Protein/
Nutrition/Eat enough nutrients/Eat Enough Carbs/
Nutrition/Eat enough nutrients/Eat Enough Fats/
Sleep/Have enough sleep/Set sleep targets and plan bedtimes/
Sleep/Get Deeo Sleep/Create a sleep ritual/
Sleep/Get Deeo Sleep/Improve sleep environment/
Sleep/Get Deeo Sleep/Review before seleep nutrition and supplement/
These are just some examples of the Domain (Main Folders)/ Skill / Habit/Practive categorisation/hierarchy could be useful to build a robust habit coaching approach based on CBT.
Down at the practice/habit level Daily action canbe jotted down; would be also useful for each habit to have some tracking options (bit like foe exercises). They can be things like portions or units (like pills or water intake or mood level) or hours of sleep etc.
Would be also udeful to include or attach documents to each habit