Ability to PAUSE a clients program.
Need to be able to put a pause on a clients program. Say they are away from 2 weeks on vacation, ability to pause for the 2 weeks (or however long) then start back where they left off when they return.
Ellie commented
Hey! What I’ve done is just skip a week in their planning 👌🏻 Good luck
Holly Bonnette commented
Pausing training plan for clients who have something come up, family emergency, vacation, etc. I get that you can change to end on certain date. However, I don't want client to have to start plan over. I'd like for them to be able to pick up where they left off. i.e. shift workouts forward a few 2-3 days or one week. Without having to start plan over. If there is a way to do this already, please let me know. I am still fairly new, about a year.
Emma Chapman commented
Ability to pause program for single client. For example 10 week master program but they’re on holiday during week 5. The program pauses for a week and then resumes so they don’t miss a week.