Overall Business Analytics & Display for Trainer (Excel Display Format)
A great feature would be the ability to download an excel document (or even a cool Trainerize generated document) that shows business related stats like:
1.) Average spend per client (based on how many products they buy)
Reason - Helps to see what you could expect most clients to purchase or spend with you. If a client is purchasing under that number you could potentially upsell (can explain more if needed)
2.) Individual client spend
Reason - Are most clients buying several products or just one hot product?
3.) Your client retention/attrition (as a metric and not a timeline) - the average length of time a client stays with you for more insight on if your current practices are promoting longevity or even getting you attention. The timeline feature is still cool though!
4.) % breakdown of program purchases (i.e. a pie chart or list of how many times a product was purchased)
Reason - Can narrow down more on your "bread-winners"
5.) Ability to download the "Overview" page and "Payments" page charts. For business meetings or share information.
I personally love seeing these type of metrics so I can focus in on what is really helping my business.
Anthony Bryant commented
Can explain any of the above in more detail as needed. Thank you!