Change "Meal Plan" section name to "Nutrition"
Change "Meal Plan" section name to "Nutrition" to better more accurately encompass all service offerings as well as avoid misleading labeling.
Not all trainers/coaches offer specific meal plans so on an individual level, this is inaccurate and leads to confusing some clients of what they are receiving.
"Meal Plans" could easily be housed under "Nutrition" as well as the Tracker; similar to how one can/could simply go under "Programs" for "workouts" being as Training is made of Programs which comprise of different Workouts.
Not all states in the US legally allow "meal plans" and falls outside of scope. Placing the broader "Nutrition" title to this section would be a proactive step to avoiding any legal issue that might potentially crop up now or in the future.
Allows for a broader spectrum for acknowledgement of actual services, in a way this gives the impression that all food has to fall under a specific term of "meal plan" and creates an assumption from clients that is inaccurate in representing coaches/trainers who don't actually do this but then have to explain why a section is labeled by a service they don't provide.
Hang Luu commented
Jenny Halstead commented
This is an excellent suggestion. The point about the legality of this for most of the US is important.