Ability to log part or multiple servings of client's custom meal.
When entering custom foods for my client to easily access, why am I only able to enter ONE serving size? This is EXTREMELY frustrating. I have clients with different protein goals so when creating meals for them, I have to create THREE SEPARATE chicken options, one for 4 oz, one for 5 oz, one for 6 oz...This is extremely tedious work that takes too much time. On top of that, it adds confusion to my clients when they see several different options of chicken...
The serving sizes NEED to be adjustable. Not just the current option that allows it to be adjusted by 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, etc. That requires my clients to do math (may not be confusing for us but for people new to food tracking, it's very confusing and frustrating). PLEASE FIX THIS!

Karen Molloy commented
I agree 100%. I posted this yesterday in the group. Clients need to be able to adjust the ingredients amount in a meal/ recipe.
This would be an absolute game changer. Please!!! 🙏