Basic Client Type
For the Basic Client Type (I know you just implemented this last week) can we set them up with workouts/programs, but don't have access to the trainer?
At this time it seems kind of pointless for them to download the app just to set up an appointment. Most of us probably already use scheduling things (like calendly) for this so why would someone go through the trouble of signing up on an app just to send something that could be an email.
If the basic client type could have access to just workouts (without access to the trainer) this could allow for more generic programs to be built (like kickstarter programs, 30 day challenges, or summer shred products).
So many people sell underwhelming eBooks (myself included) that mean well but aren't the best. If there was a way to turn this basic client type into this sort of thing that could really level up the trainers' business and provide even more value to our clients and our communities.
Nicole Murphy commented
I agree! It's pointless to have them sign up and not be able to "try out" the app. It can be set where they can only do this for a max of 1 week so trainers don't abuse the system and don't have to upgrade their account to take on more clients.