Deliver all workouts with the card by card style
I have been using this program for a bit through one of my employers. One of the biggest comments I receive from clients is the lack of ease during transitions between exercises in the regular format and circuit format. Being who I am, I decided to actually try out the program as a client and do the workouts. I now see what my clients are referring to. Basically, when developing a workout using the interval format, as soon as someone taps the start button, they get a countdown and the workout begins. However, with this format, the trainer can only develop timed workouts. I think it would be great to apply this style to the other two formats in which there is countdown at the beginning of the workout and progress through the workout just like with the interval style. However, when there are non-timed exercises, i.e. reps, a next button can be added at the bottom. The client would then hit the button when they are ready to continue and if a timed rest or exercise is next, it would automatically start instead of having to manually start the timer. I personally found that to be rather annoying and clunky in style to have to start a timer manually during my rests or whenever there was a timed exercise. Essentially, streamline the workout formats to allow better ease of use. Please contact me if you need clarification. Thank you!