subscription. option for free trial then recurring monthly subscription for clients
Hi there. whenever i advertise the app a lot of clients search for it on Playstore or App store and get confused when they get prompted to "sign in"
they find it tedious to have to first message me as the trainer to email them an invite and then they can finally sign up.
it would be super cool if clients could find our APP on the various platforms and be able to try a 1 week trial as well as "subscribe" while having a recurring debit order payment going off their accounts monthly to use the app. basically a similar way that you guys charge us as trainers to use your platform then it insures a steady stream of income monthly for both trainer and you as the app developer.
to summarise id like an option for clients to click a link advertised on instagram and be able to have a 7 day free trial then automatic recurring subscription

Zara Soofie commented
i find this option super important as i have lost a lot of prospective clients because they find it tedious to first message me and request an invite