Prescribe Values and Ability for Client Track Values (%Max for weights, RPE for exercise / set, RIR for exercise / set, %HR in cardio, etc.)
Ability to assign values to individual exercises and sets. In return, client can track these values. More quantitative data to aid in clients' progress.
Both gives the coach the ability to structure a program plan around %based training or effort based training.
1. Prescribed intensity of 70% 3RM
- calculates off of previously inputed weights (estimated 3RM / 1RM, etc.)
- or inputed by coach or client
- weight appears on assigned day, athlete still tracks their weight used
2. Prescribed Intensity of 8/10 RPE or 2 RIR
- gives coach an idea on how effort changes set-to-set (spend more time during a build phase, etc.)
Ethan Porras
shared this idea