Have the weekly progressions stay with their respective exercise
Probably seems minuscule, but I'll start by building a workout (let's say bench, pull-up, leg press, leg curl, for simplicity), then go into the progression spreadsheet to adjust the weekly progression for each exercise. Then maybe halfway through that training block, we'll decide to add an exercise (maybe add dumbbell rows before bench).
Unfortunately, the progression in the spreadsheet for each week left in the training block will stay in place while the exercises in the far left column will shift down below wherever I added the new exercise. So the progression for bench will now line up with dumbbell rows, the progression for pull-ups will line up with bench, etc., and the last exercise's progression row will now be blank.
It's incredibly frustrating to basically have to delete the weeks left in the training block, duplicate the workouts, edit the ones I want to edit, and then rewrite the progressions for all of the exercises (this is the only workaround I've found). Would be WAY easier if the rows just adjusted with the exercises they were originally assigned to (bench's weekly progression row went up or down to wherever the bench exercise was moved in the workout, etc.)