Ability to build my client's custom meal plan template or nutrition plan
I would like to be able to add my clients diet's nutrition plan to the app and also be able to assign it to the calendar so that they also get the daily meals reminder along with their days workout. Like build out food items and meals in-app.

George Symeou commented
Any updates on this? Macros % are set way to high I want to have the ability to customised each clients goal by the gram.
Jessica Koeman commented
This would be extremely helpful. Even the ability to upload our own meals would be a game changer.
Yesenia Duenas commented
I am a Registered Dietitian and hoping they do add this feature to allow me to assign each individual meal item and have the option of also adding customized meal recipes from the "recipe bank" for each client. Meal plans to allow options of multiple snacks, and to allow me to change the % of carbs, protein, and fats based on my clients needs.
Would also like the addition of all nutrition label data to allow me to monitor micronutrients, vitamins, minerals based on the clients deficiencies, and give planned intake of each in order to keep them within their goal.
David Hampson commented
Not all clients want to choose their own meals, some do want or need direction so this would be vital to ensure continuity
Barry commented
Desperately need this or i'm going back to nutritics i think.
Gracen VanDyke commented
This would be so helpful. The smart meal plan does not offer a 40/40/20 split for meals and macros. I have clients that are on a 40%, 40%, 20% macro split and would still love to use the smart meal plan.
Elle Blackwell - Fitness & Health commented
this is brilliant
Lauren Masterson commented
I want to be able to go in and select my recipes and assign them to my client without having to swap. It is easier for my client to have a library to choose from not a limited preset amount of recipes. The way it is set up now is very time consuming. It needs to be simplified
Grace Downer-Overbeeke commented
Please make the option to customize meal plans and macro splits more detailed!
Nikki Auckland commented
100% NEED to generate a meal plan from our own custom meals, we all live in different countries and have access to different foods/likes.. And like someone mentioned, have the ability to add notes if needed.
Also if we could save them, ie. 2000 cal plan (no fish), balanced etc.Also please please please can we get macros put on meal thumbnails in discovery and clients daily meals. This is Soo important!
Mimi Millward commented
I want to be able to create clients a custom meal plan from my recipes that I have recorded and loaded into the app.
Karen Molloy commented
I think it would be great if we could generate a meal plan from our own custom meals too. And like someone mentioned, have the ability to add notes if needed.
Also if we could save them, ie. 2000 cal plan (no fish), balanced etc.Also please please please can we get macros put on meal thumbnails in discovery and clients daily meals. This is Soo important!
Liubov Dias commented
I would like to be able to create a meal plan from scratch from the recipes that are offered in the recipes (instead of auto populating a meal plan). I wasn’t able to do that.
Mickey Muscle commented
Need an option if we can add our own meal plans. your options clients can find easily by buying any food books. App is good if you allow us to update our nutrition. Also measurement quantity in Grams would be great.
Emily Anger commented
Allow trainer to create and pre-save specific meal plans that can be assigned to client.
Kayla Knight commented
I would love to be able to set client macros in the nutrition setting and the meal plan portion take into account the macros and help build out custom meal plans
Ryan Fitch commented
Would love to be able to make custom meal plans AND have auto generated ones and then also be able to have notes under each meal as well.
Coach Adam commented
I think Trainerize has done a fantastic job with building a resource equipped to handle one on one coaching. And it'll continue to get better no doubt.
Where I see opportunities for growth and strengthening the app is in group coaching... community based services... etc.
I would love the ability to add a meal plan to a master program ... so that whoever is subscribed to it ... it loads that into their app automatically.
For example, if I'm running a 3-month group challenge ... and each month, I want to provide them with a different nutrition related resource/recipe pack (I don't do meal plans because I'm not a registered dietician) ... I'd like to build that into the program.
Currently, unless I'm missing something... I would have to go into each individual's account to add it manually at the beginning of each month. Which isn't too big of a deal if you're working with 10-15 people (still kind of time consuming) ... but definitely isn't super scalable if you plan on working with 100 - 150 people.
We should be able to remove items in bulk as well.
Jenny Halstead commented
Being able to add custom nutrition plans like Whole30, with notes and would be fantastic.
Tori Langham commented
for clients who have a set meal plan on a pdf document, it feels redundant to have them log all foods to myfitnesspal daily if they are supposed to be on a strict plan. I would love if there was an item under "things to do today" (just like there is for workouts and cardio.
Here the client would be able rate their compliance that day and maybe even make a note if they cheated on their plan or didn't eat all of their meals, etc.