....make reviewing a clients progress via the length of the program not the month.
Often clients programs are never written to exactly end on the month. This makes reviewing a clients progress difficult because progress is currently displayed over two different months. The progress report should be displayed over the length of the program not the months the program was trained in.

Christine Smith commented
My programs run 5 weeks. I would like to be able to view progress from program to program. Repeat clients (which we know are the most important clients) are not able to see how far they've come over their time training with me. Please make the feature available for "lifetime" progress, not just by program.
Alex F commented
This /\
Omg its so frustrating, I have a 6 week program that runs across 3 months!! How nice would it be if I could see all the data in one screen.
Seriously this must be an easy fix?
Instead of having review by month, could you have (or add) a function that shows 'review by workout plan' or even 'review by 3 months'
Please please please
Ryan Tarran commented
Reviewing a client over the month is now becoming annoying. I need to review my client over the life of the program not the month. Programs vary in length of time. This must be reflected in the progress reports. Currently it is time consuming to look over each month rather than the length of a program.