Client assessment forms along with a Par-Q
It would be ideal if trainerize offered automatic emails of assessment forms to those signed up. Right now we have to email them but would be easier if it happened automatically once they logged in. Everything from Par-Q to a dietary record so that we can create a comprehensive client profile to better offer personalized training based on their needs.
Hi everyone,
Thanks for your feedback. We’ve now added an option for a standard physical PARQ form in the customizable welcome e-mail. You can still use the e-consultation form for additional questions that you do not need a legal physical copy.
For more information, you can see our help article here:
Matthew (Winners Only) commented
They should be accessible either within the app or have an automation with zapier where they go straight to the coaches prescribed e-mail, for ease of access.
Matthew (Winners Only) commented
Where are the PAR Q files sent upon completion? Where can the coach find them?
Lucinda Valentine commented
Please make it so that we can upload our own forms for automation too
Dominic commented
I would love the ability to automate emails of your choice - i.e. a welcome email with, parQ, lifestyle readiness Q, and anything else that trainers want to email their clients on a scheduled date. Perhaps it could be set up that when someone signs up they get there welcome and parQ, day 2 before exercises commences they get a waiver and then perhaps day 3 a readiness to change questionnaire etc. If it was possible to set up scheduled emails, it would be great for marketing campaigns, group training and retention as well as a real time saver.
Daniel Marzullo commented
I agree!! Will this happen?
Coach Lisa_H commented
Yes please! Par Q and waiver at minimum with ability to upload other trainer specific forms.
Kori Sanders commented
something like Body Evolver ( would be great.
Anonymous commented
I agree that the Par-Q and liability waiver at the very least should be automated. It would be great to have different assessments available to choose from and then assign to your clients individually. At the very least, having a space to store our own assessments in the client's account would be nice. Lastly, it would be nice to have a "coaching" section available under each client's account. Here we could upload content such as articles, instruction, or video files that provide specific solutions for a client's specific needs. Sure we can email this information, but we all know it can get lost in a client's email or they don't read it. If it was available every time they logged in, they are more likely to read and retain the information.
Shane Jespersen commented
I agree that at minimum a basic par q should be added, either on its own or as part of the consult form.
Heather commented
Very much concur with this idea, as well as with the additional details noted by "Rob" below. I do a fairly comprehensive intake with my clients. Being able to provide my forms through the app, along with periodic updates, would be great!
Jude Morganson commented
If you were to add PArQ - you would need to allow the option to choose the relevant forms for a country as Australia has its own forms approved by ESSA, Fitness Australia etc. Not all users are American - as a SAAS program it needs to be multinational. So just the opportunity to upload the rreevant form as pdf and send
Pati Kuziomko commented
Photos R great option, but postural and flexibility assessment forms would be great too. Until then Trainer I've says you can upload PDF'S in the menu option.
Brad Van Dolah commented
Adding the PAR-Q questionnaire and liability waiver into the initial consultation checklist would make it more client friendly than having to email these things currently.
Scott Baumann commented
Great idea AND liability form/waiver.
Jason Cline commented
I would like to be able to have a couple "forms" that clients fill out.
1. An initial PAR-Q; Health, Medical History & Lifestyle form (will be a one time deal)
2. A program / goals form (updated occasionally, like annually -maybe)
3. A dietary intake form (likely an initial intake and then updated weekly , ie a journal)
4. An equipment and training available form (ie program design intake)
5. A training plan feedback form (updated each 4-6-8 weeks) -
Kathy Mullins commented
It would be great to add a way to send Par-Q forms, Liability forms & have in such a way its automatically sent when a client signs up for your program.
Scott Larkin commented
Agreed. I have forms that i already prefer to use. It would be great to be able to upload these and automate them.
Anonymous commented
Rebecca Hartman commented
The PAR-Q should definitely, at least, be added as a standard send out to new clients. I'll do it on my own outside of trainerize, but my goodness it would be nice if this was added to the mix.
William Arvin commented
I believe this is already available without even needing to send an email. You can edit the consultation form that is automatically sent to clients when they sign up, which can include adding a PAR-Q.