Add Training Plan Templates
I can't understand why this isnt already a feature. Workouts can already be created with a template, if the same thing could happen with a training plan without setting up a client and using up one of our client seats that we've paid for. This should be an available feature,
This would allow trainers to build pre-set training plans to increase workflow. This could work along side workout templates pulling in workout templates to training plans and then saving.
HI everyone,
Happy to announce we’ve completed this idea. Thanks for supporting the idea everyone.
The final form of the idea is called “Programs”. You can group training plans and even import your template clients in as Programs.
If you notice in your web app, there is an additional section called Programs. you can now subscribe your clients to programs.
Also, we’ve released the companion feature to this Training Groups. Please read about it below.
We hope you enjoy this feature.
Please keep your ideas coming! Thanks!
Team Trainerize
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Kate Saynor commented
Completely agree with this feature request - has it gone live yet? Saving a single workout isn't as helpful as being able to save a whole training plan that encompasses a number of workouts.
Aaron Doyle commented
This is actually amazingly simple to add?
Darrell McTague commented
Is there any intention of implementing this any time soon? It kind of blows my mind that this ISN'T a feature already!
Darrell McTague commented
I'm debating whether to go with Trainerize or PT Distinction and I can't understand how this isn't a feature, especially considering people have been asking for over 2 years. Is this a priority or not, Trainerize?
Steven Baltodano commented
For Real Trainerize, im close of taking my business elsewhere just because of this.. is all about time efficiency. Please solve this ASAP
Mercedes Pollmeier commented
Having a training plan template that is not already assigned to a person would be easier to track and easier to assign to other clients. This was a huge benefit when I used another platform, and sad to see that it isn't a priority here. Making plans for clients was much easier with this feature. We need it here with Trainerize, please.
Jefferson Pereira commented
This issue needs to be resolved now. Before so many trainers stop using this app. It just makes it easier to get workouts to my clients. This needs to change. And change fast
Jules Chapleau commented
It USED to have this and now it is gone. Might be a deal breaker for me and I might have to look elsewhere for this feature. HUGE time saver for those of us with large client basis.
Scott Parr commented
This could wind up being the reason we take our business elsewhere. This is a huge problem with Trainerize.
Kris Hampton commented
Shocked that this hasn't gotten any attention yet. As far as I can tell, this is still the biggest time saver and money producer that the platform is missing.
Ólafur Örn Ólafsson commented
I can´t understand this either. How does it make sense to use a dummy client for this? And a seperate email address for each dummy client?
It cant be too complicated to create a workout template where we could set up a 12 week workout plan and calendar -
Anonymous commented
This should already be a feature - typically a workout microcycle will always have a number of workouts in it. It would be so much easier to organise, save and assign training plans to clients if we were able to save all of the attributed workouts in one place.
Kris Hampton commented
More and more, this is a hugely needed feature. Saved Training Plan templates would be a gigantic time saver, not to mention a great potential source of income!
Richard Visser commented
Jack Buffery commented
I'm new to this, I've just moved from PTdistinction which has the ability to create Phases and have several workouts in each phase. Essentially, you can sell an entire workout plan straight as is. Ive found that the user interface is much better on Trainerize though, hence the change. Would really, really like to see this feature! Or at least the ability to create separate folders on the template page.
Trainer commented
100% agree. I want to sell set programs and there is no way for me to even make them.
Luke Baxley commented
This is 100% essential!
Kris Hampton commented
100% agreed.
Coach Stockton commented
This is absolutely necessary
Anonymous commented
I agree. This is a mandatory feature to have. Weight has this kind of feature and it makes program writing much more efficient and streamlined.