Ability to label sections or blocks for each workout such as warmup, strength, assistance, skills, mobility, cool down, etc.
Currently there is no distinction between areas/sections of the workout such as warmup, movement prep, strength, assistance, met-con, skills, cool down, mobility/stretching, etc.
It would be great to have the sections labeled or the ability to create a custom area/section.
It would also be great to have templates for each area/section that could be saved and easily placed into the other workouts
For Example:
Rower @ 5 minutes
Movement Prep:
2 Rounds
10 Air Squats
10 Leg Swings
10 KB Swings
10 Lateral Lunges
Back Squat 5,5,5,5,5 @ 75%
4 Rounds
10 KB Split Squat
Foam Roll @ 2 min
Couch Stretch @ 1 min

Ricardo Barreto commented
Ability to "Bundle" groups of exercises together and name them for easier program building
David Martin MS, CSCS, CISSN commented
Would LOVE this
Javen Palmer commented
Yes this is a big problem
Coach Dionte commented
Give us the option to make warm up blocks for our clients. All we have is “superset” or “circuit” but my online clients would benefit from a warm up block. Right now, I have to type warmup in the reps block
Marta Palancar-Poveda commented
This would be a huge time saver for me! Some clients like to have warm-ups and/or cool-downs separate from the workout, and it would be fantastic to be able to use them for the rest of the clients who like them included in the workouts, instead of creating them from scratch.
Anonymous commented
This would be a great feature. I program using templated subsets of workouts. These are stacked together. It looked like the client needs to do multiple sessions in one day. It also messes with the stats regarding compliance etc.. if one day is missed.
This method adds flexibility and personalisation for clients with more tailored programs for periodisation and specific goals. -
Lauren Zins commented
I have a few consistent warm and cool down sequences (depending on what’s trained in the workout) and I’d like to have a library for those blocks so I can just pull them in. The work around is to copy another workout sometimes I want to copy a workout for its structure and that workout has a different warm up or cool down than I want. This feature would also be helpful for workout segments like supersets or certain favorite circuits. I’ve experiments with other apps that have this feature and it’s really helpful.
Trainer commented
Any more updates on when this is going to be available? Such a missed opportunity that True Coach does really well.
Lisa Ong commented
When you add in a rest day the client marks it as complete. This counts towards thier monthly goal which makes it looks like they have completed more workouts than they did.
Also, option to in a warm up and cool down in a program.
If you do it separately the calendar shows 3 workouts for the day. When clients complete all 3 it says completed 3 workouts that day.
Dallas Price commented
It'd be nice if you could put a label on the sections of your workouts when you 'superset' or 'circuit' them. So you can have mobility prep, speed mechanics, warmup....
Bethan Davies commented
Warm up and cool down clearly marked
Lisa Ong commented
When you schedule the warm up and cool down separately it counts towards their total number of workouts. Even rest days count if the check it off completed.
A box to check off for the trainer if its a workout vs non workout would be good. At the end of the month the starts are off because they didn't actually do that many workouts.
Jonathan Richards Brubaker commented
When building custom workouts for clients you typically have to either copy a pre-created workout that's already built or look up exercises one by one.
The idea I suggest would allow trainers to be able to effectively and quickly import pre-created workout sets into an individual workout and select which ones to have enter or not.
For example I could put together an "agility ladders" set that could be imported into a singular workout. Prior to having the pre-selected exercises enter the workout I envision a pop-up box of my "agility ladders" protocol coming up where I can select or unselect certain exercises for that client.
In other words a customizable protocol option where it would be possible to store my favorite exercises of a given type that could then be selected to put into a workout.
This way there wouldn't have to be 4-5 different workouts on a given day for a client for different name customizable sections such as strength, plyometrics, agility drills, core conditioning, cardio etc. If I could import selected exercises from 2-5 workouts into a given singular workout I would have a lot of flexibility and time saved to meet my clients needs.
I could click on my personalized protocol set which would have a pop-up box with all the exercises in that set which I could unselect those that I wouldn't want to add to my clients program immediately.
TheraOffice (a physical therapy software system) allows for customizable exercise protocols that can be selected, quickly altered, and then imported into a given individual's plan. I would like to see the same thing with Trainerize.
Coach George commented
I would focus on simple movements for each body part. The main reason behind warm-ups is to actually warm-up the muscles and the connective tissues.
I have shared here 2 links with my warm-up routine, 1 for upper body and 1 for lower body.
1) Upper Body Warm-Up Routine: https://youtu.be/fj_laN38KJ4
2) Lower Body Warm-Up Routine: https://youtu.be/oVe_ktXlDcsAlong with this idea, you could maybe add a "Warm-Up" category for the video exercises. Like we have Plyometrics, strength and stuff, we should also have a Warm-Up section.
Rebecca commented
YES!! This is a huge feature that Trainerize is missing. It makes programming much easier for trainers and makes the format so much easier to follow for clients! Please add this in ASAP!!
Thomas Vasey commented
Ability to add previously saved workouts/ specific sections of a workout straight into the workout builder. For example, You could add in a previously made warmup from another program straight into a new workout from within the builder. This will save you time having to reinvent the wheel every time.
This feature would allow you to search for a workout from your library and add either the whole workout or a particular section of the workout straight into your editing page.
PT distinction has a similar future that I would love to see trainerize adopt.
Renee Smith commented
I have clients who like to follow a pre recorded video warm up because the intervals for customized workouts don't loop. With having to pay for pre recorded video credits per played video, this uses up your credits/hours very quick. If there could be a "warm up" that doesn't count, that would be great.
Rachel Byrnes commented
PLEASE add this feature! The fact that we can't save warm-ups or other sections of workouts is really frustrating. This seems like something that literally every other similar platform offers and it's the only reason I debate leaving Trainerize. Programming takes FOREVER and just this simple thing would save so much time.
Katie Prendergast commented
YES! My current work-around is making a "warm up circuit" and telling the client (in the workout notes) to ignore the timer, just follow the reps. Then follow the timer for the circuit. It feels confusing for them, though.
Tammy Evans commented
YES! This what I just wrote a suggestion for. You wrote it much better. LOL. What she said! ^^