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207 results found

  1. Automatically skip the meal photo request when tracking full calories/macros

    Let's be honest, clients who are taking meal photos likely aren't going to be tracking their cals/macros, and clients who are tracking their cals/macros likely aren't going to be taking photos of their meals.

    So for those of us who's clients are strictly tracking cals/macros, the current workflow of having to "skip" the meal photo option before being able to add a meal/item to their diary seems like an unnecessary, cumbersome step.

    I think having Meal Photos and Meal Tracker separate would be most ideal, or perhaps the ability to toggle Meal Photos On/Off while using the Meal Tracker.

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  2. Easier for clients to add food to the diary:

    a quick add button on the main page to add food to the diary; it would be great if they could just use this app for tracking food, but the feedback im getting is that my fitness pal is so much easier to add food to, on this app they have to go through lots of options instead of just being able to click once and be on the add food/ scan barcode section.

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  3. 3 votes

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  4. A dashboard for the trainer to see an overview

    In the Meal Tracker portion that I see as a trainer, I wish I could view all of their food pictures for the past week or month. Just like you can view the macros and calories via MyFitnessPal in the progress tab under nutriton graphs. If you added another tab to progress that uploaded all their photos with the date then you could click on each one from there to get the food stats if they uploaded that.

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  5. Meal tracking on desktop/website

    I have some clients who prefer the desktop version as opposed to the app and meal tracking is not currently available there.

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  6. Ability to Insert Custom / Discovery Meals straight into the Clients "Favourite / Saved Meals" from our end

    Allowing the coach to use the discover and save meals into our clients favourites section ourselves, at the moment only the client can search and save themselves

    That way we can upload custom meals and discover meals for them to go to easily

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  7. Easier viewing for coaches and their client's food diary

    Rather than having to click in and out of each day, it would be much easier to have a food diary tab and then just swipe through the days and have an immediate overview of calories and macros and their meals. It seems like a lot of faff to view currently

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  8. Remove taking picture as the first step

    Please allow us to remove the option for taking a picture or add that as an option after entering it the food. Annoying to have to press skip all-day

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  9. Ability to help client enter foods as a trainer

    Ability to help client enter food details from meal photo. In trainers app you could look at client's photo and add the food items to find out macros. That way if you are managing a client on your own you could even help track as a starter.

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  10. notification for when foods/meals are added by clients

    I'd like to have the option for the app to notify me the push notifications when my clients post pictures of their food. I like giving them instant feedback on their pics so that I can help motivate and keep them accountable with their food choices.

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  11. Having an emoji reaction with meal pictures

    I'd like to be able to "applaud" or give a "thumbs up" emoji to my clients when they leave food pictures in the app. It helps to reward good choices and let's them know that I'm with them and cheering for them in their journey.

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  12. Copy Ingredients to Food Tracker not Entire Recipe from Discover Options

    At the moment, when someone selects a Meal/Recipe option from the Discover Tab to add to their Food Journal, the entire meal/recipe is copied as a single item and people can't do any changes to the ingredients in that meal/recipe.

    It would be more flexible to just have the option to copy the ingredients in the quantities mentioned in the recipe so that people can then change ingredients or quantities as needed.

    I hope I have made a clear point 😄.

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  13. Allow client to enter macros only

    Some client are using other fitness app to track macros. It would be nice if they

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  14. Manually log macros without tracking food

    Allow clients to manually log their calorie and macro intake. I have several clients who already use a macro tracker besides MyFitnessPal or FitBit that they really like and don't want to start over in the app.

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  15. Make hover over preview for a meal larger

    Is there ANY way of making the client meal photos bigger / easier to see?
    The screenshot below shows how hovering over the photo enables the photo to 'expand' to a measly 1/10th of the entire size of my laptop screen.
    Most clients won't take high-res photos in great lighting - so if it's no possible to make the the photo easier to see (and this provide feedback) it seems to be a glaring error in the functionality!

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  16. Add Feature that you can see what foods contribute highs amounts to Macro Counts

    When tracking Macros in App- my clients have requested adding a feature where they can click to see what food contributed to those macros. Example:
    From and educational stand point of wanting to understand what foods are high fat contributors...

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  17. Expand to be able to track sugar, vitamins and fiber

    In the current progress tracking of nutrients you can view a client's averages with calories, individual macros, and overall macros.

    If you want to view a clients specific nutrients (like fiber, sugar, vitamins, minerals, etc) you can only see a daily view.

    Idea: integrate these other nutrients in the progress graph to get averages like calories and macros.

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  18. Search bar in the discover meals tab

    Ability to search for meals in the discover tab. So clients can find their favourite recipes faster.

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  19. 1 vote

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  20. Food search within tab, not global search

    When tracking the meal, and when searching for ingredients, the search results are global. I would like to be able to search within "recent" tab or "custom" food tab.

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