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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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114 results found

  1. Track Calories per Workout

    I would like to suggest being able to see the calories burned per workout. When a client starts their workout, their wearable tracker automatically starts. When they finish the workout, the wearable will show them how many calories they burned during that particular workout but it is not recorded in Trainerize. We can see the total calories burned for the day but not for each workout. About 90% of my clients have a wearable tracker. They often compare calories burned during workouts in the group chat. I think it would be a good motivational tool if this was added to…

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  2. Track Rep Improvements In an Exercise, Not Just Weight Increases

    Track Rep Improvements In an Exercise, Not Just Weight Increases

    I want to see the app track when a client increases their reps at a certain weight within an exercise, rather than just when the client gets more total reps for an exercise.

    For example, if a client goes from 30 to 35 pounds for an exercise, they will likely be performing fewer reps. However, as time goes on, the client will begin performing more reps at 35 pounds.

    Right now, a Personal Best for number of reps (expressed as volume) is not achieved until their total reps at 35…

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  3. 2 votes

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  4. Watch- show previously recorded data

    I cannot use my watch exclusively during workouts because I cannot see my previous workout data without using my phone. Maybe a swipe gesture to see any historical data for reps and weights on my watch

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  5. Allow keypad entry for watch data

    In addition to scrolling the watch dial, we should be able tap the field and enter via keypad. Scrolling from 0 to 300lbs+ is time consuming

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  6. Connect Garmin heart rate band

    Make it possible for trainers to monitor the clients hart rate during a training session. Trainers can see the progress own there device during the session

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  7. A little text box available for the client

    A little text box available for the client so he/she can leave a note.Very good to know the RPE on every set for the trainers to analyze it and get better data and results for their clients.

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    Compatibility with Amazfit

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  9. Connect with Zepp Life

    Possibility to connect with Zepp Life App thus increasing user number and also teacking all types of phisical effort

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  10. training load

    A feature that allows you to track workload. As you are already collecting tonnage per session then you can track this over time. Even more basic than that, you are already collecting RPE and time for each session. Its taken me about 10 minutes to make a sheet in excel that automatically calculates training load, training monotony, training strain and colour codes them depending on their scores. Please can you integrate this as well as rolling acute:chronic workload?

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  11. 2 votes

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  12. Watts for Cycling Exercises

    Would be great to watts for cycling sessions. Cycling cardio for a designated mins and cycling intervals

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  13. 2 votes

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  14. When people track habits, they should ALL show up in the group!

    When people track habits, they should ALL show up in the group! Not just when they hit a habit streak... Some people need that added motivation of seeing their progress every day!

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  15. Integration with BellaBeat Watch

    The Bellabeat is a hybrid smartwatch designed for women, it combines style with smart features in a lifestyle device that cares as much about stress sensitivity, period tracking, and meditation as sleep, workouts, and daily activity levels.

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  16. able to remove circumerence measurements or supply how to video

    able to remove circumerence measurements or supply how to video

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  17. HRM option

    An option of choosing a heart monitor through the app not just the Apple Watch would be ideal as a client many of us is Using WHOOP and chest strap

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  18. Add resistance/weight-training in the activities area

    Clients would like to add resistance-training as an activity. It seems as though all the activities are cardio-focused.

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  19. Beliebte Malen nach Zahlen Anime heute

    Anime, die stilisierte Form der japanischen Animation, hat weltweit eine riesige Anhängerschaft und beeinflusst viele Kunstformen, darunter Malerei, Manga und Zeichnung. Anime hat eine treue Fangemeinde, die sich nicht nur in den Geschichten und Charakteren, sondern auch in der einzigartigen Kunst und den lebendigen Farben widerspiegelt. Malen nach Zahlen mit Anime-Motiven hat sich als eine kreative Möglichkeit etabliert, diese faszinierenden Welten und Charaktere nachzubilden, wobei Künstler (und Anfänger) die Möglichkeit haben, mit bekannten Figuren und Szenen aus ihren Lieblings-Anime-Serien zu arbeiten bei

    Im Jahr 2025 erfreut sich das Malen nach Zahlen Anime immer größerer Beliebtheit. In diesem Artikel erfahren…

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  20. Track Clients Total Mileage For Walking

    How can I track my client's walking in terms of total milage tracker since she is working to walk 100 miles since she has been a client of mine. The graph that I am seeing under progress in Trainerize does not show progress number but a line graph of how many miles she walked but I need to see a real time report on that to help her be motivated with her walking routine?

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