View workouts side by side in a weekly view on calendar so I can see entire programming
When writing our programs, it would be great if we could write a whole program (multiple days), on a single screen. Having to jump between screens (workout to workout) to make sure we're keeping reps, sets consistent and programs balanced is a bit of a pain and very time consuming. If we could jump on one screen to write out entire program (or at least most of it), I think the software would go next level for us at our facility!
Sean OShea commented
How are things looking on this front team? Any updates?
Blake Barbera commented
Ok. This was first brought to the table in 2014. It has 921 votes at this time and appears to be "Planned" on 6/13/2021. That is nearly 2 years ago. Is this happening or not? If not, I'm gonna have to move to something different. An update on where this is in the process would be fantastic!
Sean OShea commented
Hey team. Any updates on this?
Brodie Sturtridge commented
How has this not been implemented??
Trainer 1 Pro commented
It would be very helpful for regular check-ins if you could see the client's entire training program at a glance (in a list view) and make changes to reps, etc., right there, like in the progression spreadsheet. But not just for one workout but for the entire plan.
Trainer commented
Any time line on when this will become available?
Anonymous commented
It would be cool if you could see all week and what is on every day of that week, what exercises, cardio, kcal etc. :)
Anonymous commented
FANTASTIC idea. Because of this I was on a brink to leave Trainerize :(
Orshi T commented
Hi Trevor, I think they mean like 'truecoach style' programming. There, when you want create a completely personalised program, you open the client's calendar and just start typing the workouts/exercises in there. So for example: it's a 4 week program with 3 days splits (push, pull, leg) and the exercises the same, you can easily navigate back to days using the calendar, very visual and straight forward this way. (I hope I am making sense :) ) I used to use true coach because of this function, but they were missing so many functions that you guys have so I switched :) Thank you
Joseph Castaneda commented
It's extremely time consuming to try to write an 8, 12 or 16 week program. It needs to be easier to track previous workouts and progress current workouts. I need to be able to write workout progressions without using the calendar. We write progressions based off of the previous workout. The specific date is irrelevant. It would also be great if the weights entered during a regular " workout" would actually save, so you could use that info without having to write a complete program.
Trainer commented
In calendar mode - it would be awesome to be able to hover over a workout and be able to see what the workout is at a glance. That way you don't have to click the workout and go to a whole other page if you are just trying to get a sense of what the program is doing. Especially if you created the program a while ago.
Anonymous commented
Build weekly workout plans side by side like PTDISTICTION.
Gerhard Boshoff commented
Display The Workout Days (Weekly Phase) Next to each other so all 7 Days can be seen when programming.
Its very difficult to program having to keep going out to view other days.
TRUECOACH does this very well. -
Coach George commented
This would be quite an improvement alright... At the moment this is probably the most annoying part when creating programs.
I've also tested out MyPTHub and PTDistinction and they both have a very nice drag and drop workout builder where you can see all workouts for the program phase (or for the week, I can't remember exactly since it was a while ago that I've tested them).
My suggestion is to have all workouts from a programming phase shown side by side (in different columns) and be able to drag & drop exercises from one workout to another, in case you want to switch things up without deleting and inserting the exercises again.
And when searching for exercises you could add a separate window that pops up next to the workout column that you are currently working on.
This feature, along with the option to group exercises from a workout based on their purpose (Warm-Up, Stretching & Mobility, Effective Workout, Cooldown, Cardio etc.) would take Trainerize leaps ahead in terms of programming.
Hope you guys can do something about this in the near future. Love the app and I'd love to see it grow even more and get even better!
Sean OShea commented
Hey team, is there any plans on implementing this in the near future?
Clint Mally commented
Hey Trevor,
This is the only corner of the market that trainerize has yet to tap into, and the only part of TrueCoach has right that trainerize can improve on. For people who want custom programming, (weightlifters, CrossFit athletes, etc...) this type and require very specific and gradual increases in weights and percentages this big picture programming is a must. Look at how TrueCoach does it. And... if you wanted to really crush TrueCoach you would create a warm up calculator that calculates the warmup weight clients will use to warm up for say a heavy back squat. Love what y’all do , happy to explain more over a call :) -
Mihai Balan commented
Something similar to this -
Greg Finch commented
This would also really help the tracking side during my live remote trainings.
Currently I have to have multiple tabs open (Current day training, previous time workout completed, and often the time before that) so I can gauge progress and adapt that days training in real time.
The ability to do that in one view would be much more efficient. Currently I write reps, sets, weight numbers and notes on a scratch paper and then input later to make the experience for the client more seamless.
Side by side view would eliminate a complete step.
Jenny Farruggio commented
I’m currently having to open up multiple internet tabs and go back and forth from the old ones to view what I’ve already programmed. It needs to be easier to make programs based off of old programs I’ve already had them do.
Coach Yese commented
This is much needed and would make my client programming sessions faster and efficient.