Have different daily macro goals for different days or workout / non-workout days for carb cycling
I do a lot of competition prep and within prepping meal plans. It would be great to set up different macro and calorie intake goals for different days out of the week. Because it would allow my clients to fully understand carb cycling. For now I have uploaded a pdf version of the meal plan showing that but would be great if that can be adjusted as well when it comes to programming it within your platform.
Hi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We've added this to our work queue/raodmap. We'll post further updates here as our teams pick it up to work on it.
Please come back to ideas.trainerize.com to add your vote to other ideas.
Katie Duckworth commented
Have an option to have different macros
Kirsten Young commented
We can put a general calorie or macro goal for our clients but if clients have different calorie and macro goals depending on the day it would be nice to be able to enter in what days they need to have set goals. Example: for carb cycling
Jonathan White commented
Have high, medium and low days for clients
Katie Duckworth commented
Have the ability to add a second nutrition plan for those with days with different goals. (High carb days, etc)
Anonymous commented
Why is this obviously crucial feature missing and not even being acknowledged?
Amber Petrin commented
This feature is a MUST for many of my clients. Would help in a HUGE way to have this added to the software.
Vanessa S. commented
Yassss!! I give clients separate numbers for rest days. It would be amazing to have this feature.
Christopher Coulson commented
Bump. This would be integral for a lot of people as carb cycling is very popular
Amy Brantner commented
I love the daily habit goal but sometimes you cycle your calories and macros. It would be nice to assign a daily macro goal vs it applying to every day
USA Physique commented
EXCELLENT IDEA!!!! I've been thinking this for awhile and actually came to suggest it. Apparently, I was beat to it. But this would be a HUGE improvement to this application that is already fantastic.
Michail Khouri commented
This would be great
Rachael Toohey commented
set nutrition goals for workout days and non workout days
Victoria Heykens commented
This would be amazing! We really need you all to up your nutrition/metrics tracking capability to better serve clients with unique needs!
Michael Jordan commented
This is a must! Not being able to set different calorie and macro goals for different days is a big pain. Trainerize really does need to catch up to other companies with this one.
Anonymous commented
Sometimes clients need more or less depending on whether it's a workout day or a rest day. Currently, we can only put in one set of targets. I would like to have the option of 2-3 different targets with the ability to either label them (ie - strength training day, rest day, etc.), or by adding them to calendars.
Jackson Bloore commented
This is sooo easy to implement and needs to be done. I also carb/calorie cycle my clients and only being able to set one or the other is frustrating.
Dr. Steph Dorworth commented
I agree, this would be so great. Many of my clients have high/low calorie days or follow the Weekday diet, so I'd love this feature.
Paul Nobles commented
I would say the majority of people that would consider using your software for nutrition require this as an addition. Every other comparable software allows this and it's kind of a deal killer even though the rest of your software is awesome because if you have a larger client base you have to dig deeper into the particular data than you would need to if you had separate days. It would likely end up being a big boost to your program given that most people like all of the core features but this might be the one thing holding them back. I know it is for me.
Jody Renee commented
I carb cycle with the majority of my clients so adding a feature to allow different macro goals for different days would make the current feature more usable and much appreciated!
Jenifer Johnston commented
1. I would like to set nutrition goals for different days of the week like in MFP. I have some clients with lower macros during the week and higher ones on the weekend.
2. I would like my macro breakdown I prescribe to a client to be a past goal when i update the numbers for their next goal. Right now it disappears and you only see the current goal. Id like to keep track of what I have done on each client through their entire time with me.