Onboarding videos for clients
Create onboarding videos for trainers to use to help their clients to learn how to use the app. I am looking for more support videos from trainerize for my clients. I need videos to show them how to "Find their workouts", "Mark their Workout" as complete, "Substitute Exercises", "Access the On Demand Library", "Take Progress Photos", "Track Body Stats", and "Use the stopwatch or timer". It would be nice if these instructions were uploaded in the Trainerize video library so that we could drop them into their programs or message. The "Watch Getting Started" video that is under support is great but is often the client's first view of the app. They watch that before they've actually had a chance to use the app and often don't go back to view it.
Brian commented
THIS! This would be very helpful to me.
Cody Chapman commented
THIS!!! Please!
Lisa Dreyer commented
Definitely need more quick 1 minute videos that clients can choose from when they register that would teach them how to log in through their pc, where to find their workouts, how to schedule their workouts and check them off, etc
Dee Mccahill commented
Onboarding videos for clients for things such as "how to enter in body stats/progress photos".