Setting weekly caloric goal for calorie banking
Setting weekly targets for cases where the weekly avg calories are more important.
Allow clients to borrow from other days as long as their weekly average is within range.
Marianna Kirton commented
Jaclyn Evans commented
Tessa commented
Yes yes yes! I looooove everything about the CDC tracking features. I would suggest almost everything in their system would be a good thing to implement in this new tracking system. I think calorie banking/cycling is SO important for clients to be able to understand because 90% of mine have a hard time believing/understanding that they can eat more or less on some days and still make progress.
Jack Symons commented
Calorie banking option for clients so that they can have higher and lower calorie days throughout the week, but still make progress.
This would allow clients to have more flexibility with their diet. But also manage it better. A fantastic example is Carbon Diet coach