Need to allow custom calorie intake below 1400
Simply give the option for custom calories below 1400 as some people need them
Natillie Brandenburg commented
As a coach to women this limit makes no sense. Especially if you’re 5’2 and post menopausal and trying to lose weight. And even if you set it to 1400 the menu ideas are over that! Not useful.
Josef Brandenburg commented
Also, for the meal planning, even when you put a client in at 1400 it still generates menus that are 1,500+, so it warns the client that they are in a calorie surplus. This kinda defeats the purpose. If you have a short female client with an office job who is trying to lose weight, 1,400 isn't going to work... seems like this was built by tall & athletic men for other tall & athletic men, and those are not the clients most of us train. Furthermore, what if you have someone with an amputation, limb paralysis, or some other physical limitation? 1,400 calories is going to make them GAIN weight even if they don't want to. We need to flexibility to serve our clients in ways that work for them, not the way we think they should be.
Josef & Greg T180 Coaches commented
Yes please. Urgent. This feature is essentially worthless without this change.
Anonymous commented
When I choose a meal plan with 1400 cal, and there is only 3 meal per day. It would be helpful to have a small snack too.
Anonymous commented
YES please urgently needed
Josef Brandenburg commented
YES! Some people need less than 1400. The meal planner is a good idea, but also kinda useless without being able to tailor calories to reality.
Tyler Butt commented
We implement short "calorie sprints" which work great for longterm sustainability which will put many clients (especially females) below 1400 calories but only for a week or so... this is very important to our programme
OYS Training commented
I have clients with gastric bypass who cn't eat more than 1200 calories or less
Coach SLester commented
Currently the meals plan doesn't allow a client to descend deeper into a deficit, however, some clients have very low base lines set and it is important to my process to find this. Please allow the meals plan to have a lower set point to ultimately allow a client to renew their base lines higher over time.
Sarah Renker commented
Clients between 1200-1400 need more than 3 options like protein shakes or mini snacks. If the meals were simplified this may help as well as allowing trainer to add a pdf and meal plan instead of either or option.
Melissa McBride commented
This feature is not useful without being able to divide low calories between more that 3 meals
Anonymous commented
Agree there needs to be option for less than 1400 and then even at 1400 it only generates meals for 1500+
Dom Thorpe commented
Most of my clients are disabled and barely move due to fatigue so their daily calorie expenditure can be very low if they're not tall.
Ajia Clancy commented
LOVE All that you are doing!
I have some clients that need to be between 1200 & 1300 and without that as an option it is very confusing to them.
1400 calories right now - dont have options for snacks.
Miranda Chrisp commented
I am on the free trial. I am hoping the bugs are fixed before my subscription starts. I would be mad if I was paying 45 dollars a month for how it is currently.
Christina Giese commented
Aleksandar Gavrilov commented
Hey guys, there is a problem with the daily goal and the meal planer.
I set a goal for a client of 1180cal and the min that the meal planer can suggest is 1400 cal. I can't change that, and it's a bit annoying, because the clients get a bit confused what should they do. I hope you understand and you can correct that soon. Thank you! -
Felipe Fit commented
I don't want to be rude but there are so many things that need to be changed in the "Meal Planner" feature for it to be good in my opinion.
I've already leave a few reviews with suggestions but the main ones are:
- More meal ideas available (to swap ones for others)
- More snacks ideas available (especially high-protein ones)
- Customizable macro split for clients (not just 3 options...)
- Freedom to choose the calorie intake (e.g.: below 1400Cals)
- More than 3 meal plans per weekPS - I feel I wasted my 45$ not gonna lie... but well, it's glad to see that you're trying to improve the app.
Felipe Fit commented
I have clients how do calorie cycling and they consume 1200Cals during the week as they stick well to it. I need to be able to create programs for them and now the minimum amount of calories is 1400Cals and even without the possibility of customize the macro split...