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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

We are continually upgrading your fitness app with new features based on your feedback. Please add a new idea, or vote on an existing idea. This ensures your ideas don't get lost and always visible and other users can upvote your ideas. The idea forum allows us to keep a pulse check on what our user community as a whole wants.

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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300 results found

  1. Coloriage Pokemon Coloriage - Des Dessins à Imprimer Époustouflants | GBcoloriage"

    "Explorez des tonnes d'incroyables coloriages Pokemon à imprimer gratuitement sur GBcoloriage. Amusez-vous avec les coloriages Pokemon pour les fans de tous âges !" Accédez maintenant :


    Les pages à colorier Pokemon sont l'une des activités préférées des fans de cette célèbre franchise de dessins animés et de jeux. Dans cet article, nous vous proposons une collection fascinante de motifs d'impression couleur Pokemon qui émerveilleront les enfants et les fans de tous âges. Rejoignez les entraîneurs Pokémon dans une quête pour attraper et combattre, et exprimez votre créativité à travers l'art du coloriage.

    Coloriages Pokemon à imprimer :
    Coloriage Pokemon…

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  2. Coloriage Spiderman Coloriage - Des Dessins à Imprimer Époustouflants | GBcoloriage"

    Découvrez une variété incroyable de coloriages Spiderman à imprimer gratuitement sur GBcoloriage. Amusez-vous avec les dessins à colorier Spiderman coloriage pour tous les fans!" Accédez maintenant :


    Les coloriages Spiderman coloriage sont l'un des moyens les plus amusants de se plonger dans l'univers palpitant de l'homme-araignée. Dans cet article, nous vous proposons une sélection de dessins à imprimer Spiderman coloriage qui raviront les fans de tous âges. De la toile de Spiderman aux combats épiques contre les méchants, les coloriages Spiderman vous invitent à rejoindre Peter Parker dans ses aventures passionnantes et à donner vie à ses exploits légendaires…

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  3. Sync Macro adjustments back to a clients My Fitness Pal

    With the syncing, I update client Macros in trainerize - and they have to update macros in their MFP account. If there is an option to track in MFP - could we please also make it so that Macro adjustments populate their MFP account from trainerize.

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  4. strava synchronisation

    one of the biggest platforms and no way to sync -

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  5. Sync with Fit3D Body Scan

    It would be nice if Trainerize could sync measurement data with the Fit3D Body Scanner. :)

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  6. App tutorial for clients & freezes !!!

    A getting started “how to” for client to see and know what to do and how to use app also a structured and better approach for freezes

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  7. Integrate with Myzone

    Integrate with Myzone and allow to view workout along side with Myzone data to compare your HR and effort.

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  8. Ability to edit workout name in activity

    Editing the workout in activity has been a big client request. There are lots of different new exercise name Especially Martial arts.

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  9. Integrate with carbon diet coach

    I have clients who use a separate macro tracker (carbon diet coach)

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  10. Can we have a way in which trainers can join the app just like the onboarding for clients?

    Can we have a way in which trainers can join the app just like the onboarding for clients?

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  11. Coach should have more features on apple watch

    Allow the coach/trainer to see appointment from the apple Watch

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  12. Hidrate Spark

    To be able to import Hidrate water intakes and the amount of the daily needed of water.

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  13. MacroFactor Integration

    This is a great nutrition tracking app. It would be awesome to see this integrated with Trainerize. Not everyone wants to use MFP.

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  14. Integrate with Glofox for all class and appointment booking options


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  15. google doc attachment

    Attach google documents with notes for clients to be able to see

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  16. Allow calanders to be synced to Outlook / Office 365

    Its really awesome you can sync your calander with iSO and Google Calander, but it would be great if you could also sync it to your outlook calander.

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  17. Connect with Zozosuit to manage client goals and track body measurements

    Zozosuit is an affordable body suit used to track arm, leg, calf, hip, shoulders, waist, and chest measurements — users can also set goals to reach for measurements

    Connect with Zozosuit to manage client goals and track body measurements

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  18. Boditrax integration

    Allow Boditrax integration with the new Boditrax 2.0 app so clients can update their measurements automatically each time they scan themselves on any Boditrax machine.

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  19. Ommyx data sync

    Ommyx intergration best food AND activity tracking app on the market.

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  20. Integrate with EatLove

    Would like to see an integration with EatLove.

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