Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
229 results found
Add waist measurement as tile to dashboard.
I think it would be helpful to add a tile for WAIST MEASURMENT under the MY PROGRESS tab. I am teaching my clients not to obsess over the scale, so I use their waist measurements for check-ins, rather than their weight. I only have them weigh-in once a month. I think it would be helpful to add this there so I can find it faster than clicking on the biometrics to find it.
1 vote -
Ability to Mass Export Workout/Exercise Progress and/or Have a Progress Section Comparing Client Progress for Programs/Exercises
It would be great to be able to chart and see multiple client progress for workouts/exercises all in one place.
This could be built into the Progress section, into a master program, or allow mass exporting of workout/exercise/program progress for multiple clients at once.
3 votes -
Easily see exercise progress (weights, sets, reps, volume etc.)
When writing more detailed workouts with guidance for clients of what weight to use, it's really frustrating to have to go to the client's profile, view progress, then select each exercise individually and change the option to max weight (rather than estimated 1RM) to view their previous weights/reps for that exercise. Then have to repeat that for each exercise individually.
It would be great if there was a simple, easy way of viewing a client's prior weights used to make programming so much simpler and quicker and save a lot of time.
5 votes -
Monthly Production Feedback
At the beginning/end of each month, notify trainers/coaches what the queue of important tasks are that Trainerize is actively working on. Often times we don't know what order in which things are important to the Trainerize team. Seems like we're voting for something, and unsure if the team has seen it yet.
1 vote -
Progress report - Est 1RM, Total Weight Changes, etc.
Have a one-click button per client that allows you to generate a complete progress report for the given time frame.
This could include metrics such as
- Start - End bodyweight with total change
- Progress in est 1RM progression or volume progression for each lift, (Or just the main lifts)
- Total compliance stats for each category
etc.1 vote -
Volume Tracking
I've found periodization very difficult on the trainerize app. The first & foremost challenge I face is the ability to track total volume per body part. I currently have to do this off-site in a spreadsheet for each client. I feel as if it would be a fairly easy integration as the muscle group is tagged when you input an exercise i.e. you program a bench press & it's tagged "chest." Now if every time I program a "chest" exercise it would add up the Total sets & give me the number for each bodypart that would be extremely helpful. …
11 votes -
bioelectrical impedance
Create in the progress menu, something to register client's Bioelectrical impedance analysis values. General and by segments. it is common in person coaching to have such an assessment and there is no place to record these values. this way the client can track his progress too
3 votes -
1 vote
Highlighting the exercises that a new PB was set on
When I click on a client's workout from the dashboard I would love if it highlighted which exercise the client improved on and by how much. That way you can easily and quickly see at a glance which exercise they improved on so you can celebrate them right there and leave a comment celebrating specifically what they did instead of just saying "3 new pb's, great work John!"
2 votes -
Customising the body measurements to areas of the body we personally use as coaches.
Currently there are a number of measurements being asked for that we dont use that would be great to be able to delete and others that would be great to add
28 votes -
Compliance Percentage Displayed On Client's Dash
A feature where every client can see their own compliance percentage at the top of their dash, with the ability for them to toggle between nutrition, workouts, habits, or all, via a drop down. Perhaps even with the ability to toggle between weekly, monthly, or all time compliance. Based on the program(s) they're currently running.
78 votes -
Decimal times for sprinting.
I am training pro athletes & a lot of football players who need to track their sprinting times accuratly.
I am sure a lot of coaches feel the same if they are coaching athletes.
There is category for timed exercises, but its rounding the numbers oddly.
If you put in a 4.46 its gets rounded down to 4 sec.
It would be of great value and only a small change.
Please support this idea if you feel the same.5 votes -
Show previous measurements
Would like previous measurements and caliper pinches to be shown on app when entering new data. This ensures pinch and tape accuracy
3 votes -
Tracking Increments of weight in different exercises
Tracking Increments of weight in different exercises for trainer and client. This will help with tracking how much weight the client is using after each session. Also having a graph to show the progress of weight for the client would enhance their experience.
6 votes -
End of Month" monthly summary report
I think it'd be great to have the system send an "End of Month Report" to each client with stats like:
Total Workouts.
Average workouts per week.
Personal Bests summary
Nutritional summary with average calories, carbs, fat, protein.
etc..Most "online fitness options" do something like this as a way to give clients a feeling of accomplishment at months end. This would be a great way for us to show how we are helping clients get stronger and healthier.
2,214 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We've added this to our work queue. We'll post further updates here as our teams pick it up to work on it.
Please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Ability To Merge Exercise Progress -
I started using this app for about 6 months without uploading my own exercise videos into the app. I wanted the app to have more videos of ME! I'm tired of seeing that man in the blue shirt.
Anyways my point is I have lots of data and it would be helpful to merge the data from multiple exercises
When i first started using the app i would program my clients with the auto generated exercise you know the dude with the blue shirt, so i been using the demo of the barbell back squats for a few months…
1 vote -
2 votes
See stats older than 3 months
I’ve been training for 3 months and realized today I can’t access my very first week of measurements. I need to see that to know where I started. Can I find my very first measurements somewhere? If they’re lost, I might cry. I didn’t write them down thinking this app was saving my measurements.
1 vote -
Badge and Milestone Report for All Clients
It would be awesome to get a report for all the milestones and badges clients receive.
4 votes -
Trend Line For body weight Progress
Would love it if there was a quick button that would generate a trendline based on the data points provided. Especially for long-term weight loss, it's great to be able to show the trend so clients can better understand weight fluctuations and long-term progress.
11 votes
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