View workouts side by side in a weekly view on calendar so I can see entire programming
When writing our programs, it would be great if we could write a whole program (multiple days), on a single screen. Having to jump between screens (workout to workout) to make sure we're keeping reps, sets consistent and programs balanced is a bit of a pain and very time consuming. If we could jump on one screen to write out entire program (or at least most of it), I think the software would go next level for us at our facility!
Jenny Farruggio commented
I’m currently having to open up multiple internet tabs and go back and forth from the old ones to view what I’ve already programmed. It needs to be easier to make programs based off of old programs I’ve already had them do.
Coach Yese commented
This is much needed and would make my client programming sessions faster and efficient.
Tom Waite commented
Any updates on this?
In addition to what everyone else has said, it would be great if we could view a clients previous few programs (even if it’s just an overview) whilst designing them a new program so you can make sure that you’re not giving them the same exercises over and over. It’s a pain to create a new workout, save it, go back over previous programs, go back into create a workout over and over again
Michael Barrett commented
In my opinion, i feel that TrueCoach have this nailed down in their calendar view. It's such an easy way to program. You also have unlimited explanation space for each exercise which will help with technique notes.
Jack Buffery commented
Hi Trevor, check out how PT distinction handles this. Very simple and effective.
Add an expanded calendar view so I can see all my workout's exercises side by side for ease of programming.
Nick Smith commented
I think being able to isolate which exercises you want to focus on would help here. An example would be to use tickboxes on the exercises you wish to isolate, then choose to add progressions. This way instead of seeing just one day, I could isolate every squat/sprint/jump variation - see the corresponding dates and be able to go through my desired progressions.
Mihai Balan commented
Guess a kanban view of the workouts will do
Sean OShea commented
Hey guys. Any updates on this happening?
Mike Martiradonna commented
Hey Trevor, if this could work as a side by side where the workouts are listed as an outline, maybe not as detailed... but where exercises and groups of exercises could be cop/pasted, added, dropped, and rearranged throughout a week like in Truecoach or PTDisticion.
I think this would save the effort or having to write it out manually or enter in items manually and the effort of backing out to the list of workouts and searching for the routines you are editing, comparing them side by side via searching for them specifically, or having to click the routine to see the details, and going back in each one individually to edit them.
Mandi Haynes commented
I would also love to be able to duplicate an exercise within the workout so I don’t have to go find it again if I want to add another round... ie. I want skaters as an active rest, but I only picked it for 4 rounds and realized I actually need 6 rounds... and when duplicated it would copy the time or rep so I don’t have to fill out duplicating info.
Camille commented
Mike commented
In my personal opinion, TrueCoach have pretty much got the program design down to a T.
Being able to see it as a calendar with vast note making abilities is the dream.
TrueCoach only falls down on nutrition and metrics.
Sean OShea commented
100% down with this too! Would love to know if it’s on the cards soon? The ability to see the whole week and better track volume would be incredibly helpful!
Brandon Tielman commented
Whole Week Program View
as well as Day Progression over Several weeks view would be fantastic. I find its the biggest struggle with this app. Not being able to see what the last Phase was without taking a photo or having to open an entire other screen is just too time-consuming for the technology available these days#
Brenton Hurley commented
I haven't read other comments so apologies if this is already the workout builder when building a workout within a program. Other workouts within that program to come up as 'tabs' with the workout name. Rather than closing and opening new workouts each time switching between tabs would be much faster. adding a new tab would = creating a new workout within that program.
Eliza commented
Could the builder be a week view where you could write for one day and see the other days? Almost like if it was a spreadsheet and each column was a day.
Sean OShea commented
Hi guys. Any update on this? Would love to know where things are at prior to my next trainerize renewal.
Darran Lightbody commented
Yes TrueCoach have a great top level interface which is in a calender format with the days of the week. You can copy, drag and drop workouts to any day of the week and can see nearly the whole month on your laptop screen.
Jazsley Zainal commented
Yes i totally agree to this!