Sending weekly check in survey/forms clients have to fill in
Ability to send check in forms/survey/questionaire each week so clients can fill them out with various fields like tracking energy, mood etc.

Jacqueline Liebach commented
I just signed up and was so cut to see this isn't a feature! Solving this would me that everything is in one place for us coaches and our clients. That means a better user experience for our clients too!
David Cooney commented
Just like scheduling a 'body stats' or 'workout' task, it would be really useful to have an appointment feature for 'weekly check-in' as online coaching generally involves this kind of service. This way, we can custom build a check-in form and the client fills it in. Within that 'appointment' I can then respond to each comment with my own thoughts and then conclude with a short video (ideally up to 5 mins) with my general thoughts and the plan for the coming week.
The video call function is nice but you're fixed in terms of time. The client has to turn up and the reality is you don't always need a catch-up for the sake of a weekly review. The ability to leave the client a video review (within their weekly consultation form) would really improve the 'check-in' experience as they can then view it in their own time as opposed to ours!
David Cooney commented
▪️Weekly Check-In Forms
▪️Create Weekly Check-In Templates
▪️Automate delivery of check-in forms
▪️Video Integration (so clients can give more detail)The ability to send clients a weekly check-in form including customisable questions with the addition of a video segment so clients can feedback their thoughts via video also. This will allow for much more human connectivity and I think also the ability for the client to expand on their thoughts as sometimes written thoughts don’t give as much detail as they would like. Also, more importantly, you can gauge their emotion much more accurately, therefore, overall, you can just provide a better service for the client.
Ideally, the weekly check-ins can be ideally automated to be sent on certain dates each week so the client gets a reminder on their phone to fill it in, for example, I typically do thorough weekly check-ins on a Monday so I would remind my clients on the Sunday to have it done for the following morning. This way they’re prompted a day in advance, meaning they are less likely to rush filling it in at the last minute.
Similar to receiving automated client ‘weekly summary’s’ via email from trainerize, it’d be nice for the client to provide a weekly overview from their perspective; as this is much more personal.
Brad Harkes commented
I don't like auto schedulign a message in with a google form link, I'd much rather see a built in feature in the form of a survey or something of the likes. Very similar to the consult form, just an option to customize and schedule a feedback form.
Till Schmidt commented
Yess please, absolutely needed!
Till Schmidt commented
Yess please, absolutely needed!!
Noah Noonan commented
Have the ability to attach forms that your client fills out each week, or bi-weekly depending on how often the coach wants to do check-ins. Questions such as sleep, exercises they enjoyed/disliked, how they’ve enjoyed the nutrition program etc.., options are endless. This will allow us coaches to better assess where our clients are at currently and how to properly progress them
Kane Dawson commented
When doing check in forms, lots of trainers have to use google forms or google sheets if they use trainerize. Other coaching platforms have imbedded check in forms that clients can submit a new one each week, and this is the one thing I think trainerize is missing.
Chelsea Cross commented
Allows for you to keep track of client check in days, when they have to update everything, send check in forms, ensure stats are included in full, etc
Till Schmidt commented
Does Trainerize even care about the feedback here? It's hard to believe that this has not been changed in 3 FREAKING YEARS?! How on earth?
Till Schmidt commented
Agreed 100% Google Form integration is absolutely needed! PLEASE MAKE IT HAPPEN!!
Jennifer Richardson commented
Ability to set notifications/reminders for coaches and clients on check in days
Kandee Bishop commented
NEED, NEED, NEED this kind of form. And also a flag when they miss it. It has been an administrative nightmare to go into each clients calendar to see who has/hasn't completed stats...then I also have to send an email asking them all of the questions a check-in form would ask them.
Megan commented
Wait, there’s no way to collect weekly checkins or biofeedback from clients...?
Catherine Down commented
How is this not a thing yet? This feature is absolutely crucial in my eyes.
Devin Lopez commented
Something like this would be great. I'd like to see an option where we can add a check-in for a specific day or for the week. For example, I like to do daily check-ins to have clients rate mood and energy levels as well as other things, so having a form of sorts that we can edit to be able to ask these questions and allow the client to respond in a text field or using a rating system, 1-10 scale, something like that.
Acer commented
Add a weekly check-in sheet option similar to the consultation form at the start when a client signs up.
SurveyMonkey and google sheets can do this but would be good to have this on Trainerize
Anonymous commented
Ability to check in weekly with check in questions for health markers. Such as: menstruation cycle, stress levels, sleep, recovery etc. Ability to personalise it per person!
C & R Online commented
It would be really helpful to feature a weekly check in sheet - that your client can fill in and you could send a video reply back
Taylor commented
A system like the spreadsheet that you use to use. The copy paste methods used now is ridiculous