Debería tener la opción en español / Spanish language
Me gusta, pero debería tener la opción en español y por ese motivo no voy a suscribirme, gracias por la demo.
Gloriana Trujillo commented
Almost all my clients are Spanish speakers!!
Gloriana Trujillo commented
We need Spanish!!!
Ernest Dift commented
I am spanish and it would be very helpful if i could translate the scripted words and change their name by myself.
Also I think it could be very cool to be able to adapt the colours of the buttons and icons because they do not fit with my personalized branding.
Anyways, loving the app!!!!!
Jose Pena commented
it will be good to add other languages! i have clients that only know spanish and have problem using the app
Kevin Helfaya commented
YES GO FRENCH :D I'm not client because everything is in english .. :/ if I can use it well... it's not the same for my customers
Anonymous commented
it would bring in more business for trainerize and us if the app was available in other languages. Right now I have a client who wants to sign up in spanish and the app is not in spanish so I will just have to do my best. Would love a spanish version of app! more business !
Anonymous commented
spanish now!
Kaleb Nimat commented
Tobias Falang commented
Yes please! Spanish language support!!!
Flavio Varamo commented
Hi, I am an Italian pt. I would suggest to you, to develop Trainerize available in other language version, like Italian, Spanish ecc.
I think that pt software will have a lot of success in the global market if it will be made available in other language format. -
Ramona Kossowan commented
Yes, we are excluding a lot of potential clients without French.
Angel Moreno commented
Me encantaria que la plataforma estuviera también en español.
Anonymous commented
Yes good idea
Jeniffer Collazos commented
Una buena idea es que esta APP estuviera en español!
Marcelo Said commented
Im a trainer from Chile, and i think trainerize can grow if is traduced
Gabriel Tramullas commented
A french or spanish version
Luis Altuna commented
It would be a ver y good idea to have an option to use trainerize in spanish. I Think that you would in crease the users a lot from spain and south america