Filter Classes
AdminEden Miller (Admin, ABC Trainerize) commented
Continuing to get request from potential clients to add filtering to the classes page of the ABC+ app -- this is a must to have going forward! :)
AdminEden Miller (Admin, ABC Trainerize) commented
Filtering by class name, class location and instructor has been a recurring request from potential ABC+ clients to allow the members to easily find classes they are interested in.
Large clients such as Forma Fitness, Premier Fitness, and ggsocal all offer extensive number of classes per hour, and being able to filter by location, as well as by class would be very helpful within the app when searching for a class.
We desperately need filters on the "Find a Class" area of the app. Clubs often have multiple classes every hour and its not easy for a member to find the one they want. This has been asked in just about every demo I've done so far (10+). It is also a feature that our existing MICO has, eGym has, etc.